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Ariadne Pfad:


Special Report : Counter-Terrorism (University World News) Link

"In this second special report on terrorism, University World News writers investigate the ways that higher education institutions around the world are developing methods to counter terrorism and de-radicalise young would-be terrorists." Content: GLOBAL: Countering new forms of violent extremism, Universities’ role in understanding terrorism; GERMANY: Students fear backlash after Paris attacks; AUSTRALIA: Protecting the nation from terrorism, Turning terrorists around – Here's how; NIGERIA Lecturers and students oppose Boko Haram; GREECE: Violence and terror endemic in society. University World News, 26 January 2015, Issue No:351 [Internationales, Deutschland, Griechenland, Nigeria, Australien]
Release date: 26.01.2015
Update: 26.01.2015

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