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Ariadne Pfad:


Search Result from the Electronic Journals Database on the topic of giftedness[]=1&selected_colors[]=2&selected_colors[]=4&jq_type1=KT&jq_term1=gifted*&jq_bool2=OR&jq_type2=KT&jq_term2=*begab*&jq_bool3=AND&jq_type3=PU&jq_term3=&hits_perExternal Link

The link leads you to a search result from the German Electronic Journals Database on the topic of "giftedness / gifted education / talent". The journals listed come from different countries worldwide and have different access options or restrictions. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]
Release date: 06.02.2013
Update: 06.02.2013

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