Webquest: The Life and Works of William Blake - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial online bei Elixier

h t t p : / / w w w . z u n a l . c o m / w e b q u e s t . p h p ? w = 4 0 3 8 2

In this webquest you are a dear friend of William Blake and are very familiar with all of his works. You can see into the future and know that he will eventually be recognized as a very influential figure of the Romantic Age. It is your job to highlight the impressive qualities which characterize Blake's style in art and literature and express why these qualities were so influential to the Romantic Age.


Sekundarstufe I



freie Schlagwörter:

The; Life; Works; William; Blake




Schule Sprachen und Literatur Englisch Literatur Autoren Blake, William

Geeignet für:
