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Ergebnis der Suche nach: (Freitext: GLOBALIZATION)

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  • Globalization


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  • Globalization and the Economic Crisis

    In this lesson, students explore a series of political cartoons and consider the relationship between globalization and the economic crisis (USA: Brown University 2008-21).

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  • Economic Globalization

    Das Heft beleuchtet die ökonomische Globalisierung aus der Perspektive unterschiedlicher Länder (Wochenschau 2017).

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  • The Effects of Globalization

    Lesson plan on  the World Trade Organization (PBS 2002-2011)

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  • The Globalization of Food

    The 10 minutes video looks at the globalization of food and its consequences for society and health (Explained with maps 2018).

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  • Rethinking Globalization

    In this New York Times Lesson students consider: Who are the winners and losers in this story of economic change? What policy proposals would best support workers hurt by globalization? (2016)

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  • Mind Map Globalization

    Heinz Brodeck stellt eine Mindmap vor, die Schüler seiner 13-er-Kurse erstellt haben.

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  • Is Globalization a Dirty Word?

    Students will:Define globalization, growth, and poverty.Analyze data regarding the connection between poverty reduction, economic growth, and globalization.Summarize the benefits and costs associated with an increasingly global economy. (EconEd 2002-14)

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  • World101: Globalization

    Students learn to understand the benefits and challenges of our increasingly interconnected world through real-world examples. They will understand the global supply chain of medicine, learn how NAFTA has influenced avocado consumption, and examine two-hundred years of global communications (USA: The Council on Foreign Relations 2019).

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  • Economic Globalization

    Das Wochenschau-Heft von 2017 geht der Frage nach, ob ökonomische Globalisierung zum Abbau von Armut beiträgt und inwiefern sie zu globalen Wohlstandsgewinnen führt (2022). 

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