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Ergebnis der Suche nach: (Freitext: "YOUNG PEOPLE")

Es wurden 41 Einträge gefunden

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  • Young People Are the Solution to Climate Change

    Vish Dhar talks about how young people are the solution to the climate change crisis and how their influence is impactful. (USA: 7 minutes, 2021)

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  • Wasted Ballots?

    This New York Times lesson asks students: Why do you think so many young people don’t vote? Is it important that they do vote? And what can we do, as a society, to get more young people to the polls? (USA 2018)

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  • Young People's Suit Over Climate Disruption Comes to Court

    Young people are suing the U.S. government over climate change, and their case comes before federal court on October 29, 2018. In this lesson, students examine the suit, read the personal testimony of two of the plaintiffs, and consider other strategies that young people are using to affect climate policy. (USA: Teachable Moments 2018)

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  • Dear Young People, Don't Vote

    Acronym, an organisation “committed to electing progressive candidates” hammered home the message that by not voting, young voters would allow older, often more conservative voters to make choices in their place with a viral video “Knock the Vote” (USA 2018).

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  • Young people in the UK and the US - Pressetexte und Übungen für den Unterricht

    Die kostenpflichtige Themenheftreihe Extra bietet Lehrkräften eine Sammlung mit aktuellen Zeitungsartikeln zu lehrplanrelevanten Themen des Englischunterrichts an. Die Artikel sind nach inhaltlichen Themen geordnet. Die sich anschließenden Übungen trainieren die folgenden Fertigkeiten: Lesen, Schreiben, Hören und Sprechen/Mediation.

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  • Get the Math

    This interactive website combines video and web interactive to help young people develop algebraic thinking skills for solving real- world problems (The Moody's Foundation, USA 2012). 

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  • Constitutional Rights Foundation

    CRF is a non-profit, non-partisan, community-based organization dedicated to educating America’s young people about the importance of civic participation in a democratic society (USA 2009).

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    The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning & Engagement focuses on young people in the United States, especially those who are marginalized or disadvantaged in political life. CIRCLE’s scholarly research informs policy and practice for healthier youth development and a better democracy (USA 2021).

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  • Voting and elections

    The materials can be used to stimulate debate about voting, elections and the reasons for the low turn-out at elections among young people (UK: Active Citizens Fe 2005-19).

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  • Classroom Deliberations

    This collection of resources is designed to engage young people with a number of contemporary controversial issues (USA: C-SPAN 2017).

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