Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( (Freitext: POLITICAL) und (Systematikpfad: GESCHICHTE) ) und (Lernressourcentyp: PRIMÄRMATERIAL/QUELLE)

Es wurden 9 Einträge gefunden

1 bis 9
  • Political Cartoons and Public Debates

     Historical context, teaching suggestions, links to online resources (USA: Library of Congress 2011-20)

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1173428" }

  • Herb Block: Political Cartoons

    From the stock market crash in 1929 through the new millennium beginning in the year 2000?, editorial cartoonist Herb Block has chronicled the nation’s political history, caricaturing twelve American presidents from Herbert Hoover to Bill Clinton.? (LOC 2011)

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1173430" }

  • Herb Block: Political Cartoons

    From the stock market crash in 1929 through the new millennium beginning in the year 2000, cartoonist Herb Block has chronicled the political history, caricaturing twelve American presidents from Herbert Hoover to Bill Clinton (USA: LOC 2011-20).

    { "HE": [] }

  • German History in Documents and Images

    Collection of primary source materials documenting Germany's political, social, and cultural history from 1500 to the present (USA 2023)

    { "HE": [] }

  • German History in Documents and Images

    Collection of primary source materials documenting Germany's political, social, and cultural history from 1500 to the present (German Historical Institute, Washington, DC. 2010-20)

    { "HE": "DE:HE:786140" }

  • Presidential Elections

    Cartoons from Harper’s Weekly, and from Vanity Fair, Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Weekly, Puck, and the Library of Congress Collection of American Political Prints: 1766-1876  (2010)

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1369949" }

  • U.S. Supreme Court: Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010)

    Oral Argument and Opinion Announcement of the U.S. Supreme Court in 2010, that government may not ban political spending by corporations in candidate elections (The Oyez Project 2014).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1779986" }

  • Images of Napoleon and British Fears of Invasion, 1789-1815

    Collection of 1400 prints of political cartoons from the period of the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars (Oxford University Library 2009)

    { "HE": "DE:HE:779199" }

  • Voces Oral History Project

    This oral history archive in the United States captures untold stories of Latinos and Latinas who served, in the military or on the home front, during World War II. Now the archive has expanded to include the Korean and Vietnam Wars, and Political and Civic Engagement, focusing on the continuing fight for Latino civil rights (USA: University of Texas at Austin ...

    { "HE": [] }

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[ bilingualer Unterricht [ Erziehungsgeschichte [ Politik und Wirtschaft [ Englisch [ Bildungsgeschichte [ Taxation [ Ricardo [ Principles [ Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen [ Economy [ Davidstern [ Began [ BILI [ 20. Jahrhundert [ 19. Jahrhundert [ Deutschland