Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( (Freitext: GESCHICHTE) und (Schlagwörter: WORLD) ) und (Schlagwörter: II)

Es wurden 10 Einträge gefunden

1 bis 10
  • World War II

    Overview (20 minutes / GeoHistory 2020)

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  • World War II

    DocsTeach provides many sources to teach WW II topics (USA: National Archives 2021).

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  • World War II and the Holocaust

    Aus: The Past Online (Bildungsserver Rheinland-Pfalz 2015-20)

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  • World War I & World War II Propaganda Posters

    This collection from Brandeis University brings together 87 U.S. propaganda posters from World Wars I & II (USA 2013-20).

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  • World War II Poster Collection

    The Northwestern University Library’s World War II Poster Collection contains 338 posters issued by the U.S. government in an attempt to garner support for the war effort between 1941 and 1945 (2016).

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  • World War I and II Poster Collection

    War posters from World War I and II encouraged the people of the nations at war to buy war bonds, plant gardens, ration, enlist, or work extra hard for the sake of the war effort USA: University of North Texas 2011-20).  

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  • World War I and II Poster Collection

    ?War posters from World War I and II encouraged the people of the nations at war to buy war bonds, plant gardens, ration, enlist, or work extra hard for the sake of the war effort. A collection of these posters can be found in abundance on the library website of the University of North Texas (2011).  ?

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  • The Power of Propaganda in World War II

    In this interactive lesson, students use primary sources, including posters, documents, artifacts from The International Museum of World War II, and videos, to examine how and why propaganda was used by combatant nations with such powerful effect during World War II (USA: PBS 2019).

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  • Argument, Persuasion, or Propaganda?

    Students analyze World War II posters, chosen from online collections, to explore how argument, persuasion and propaganda differ (USA: ReadWriteThink 2018).

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  • The Atomic Bomb and the End of World War II

    Sources from the National Security Archive (USA 2015-20)

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