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  • RSS-Feed von Lehrer-Online: Aktuelles Bildungsmaterial für Ihre Homepage

    Warum Schul-Homepages mühsam selbst mit neuen Bildungsinhalten bespielen, wenn es doch viel einfacher geht? Mit dem RSS-Feed von Lehrer-Online können Schulen aktuelle Unterrichtsmaterialien und Bildungsnachrichten standardisiert in ihre Homepages einbinden. Wir erklären Ihnen, wie es geht.

    { "LO": "DE:LO:de.lehrer-online.ar_1001578" }

  • Bastel-, Back-, und Textportal

    Umfangreiche Materialsammlung rund um die Weihnachtszeit von zzzebra - das Webmagazin für

    { "HE": "DE:HE:2812141" }

  • Weihnachtliche Rezepte

    Auf der Seite der Kindersuchmaschine Blinde-Kuh finden Sie weihnachtliche Back- und Kochrezepte.

    { "HE": "DE:HE:2812153" }

  • This American Life - podcasts

    This American Life is one of the most popular podcasts in the United States. The podcast follows the same format as the radio show of the same name on Each episode is themed and includes a variety of true tales of everyday people.  Past themes have included “Back to School”, “The End of the World as We Know” and “Fear of Sleep”. ...

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  • International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect

    While the principle of non-interference goes back to the founding of the United Nations, the ‘responsibility to protect’ (R2P) only became part of international law through a U.N. General Assembly resolution in 2005. The INTERNATIONAL COALITION FOR THE RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT (ICRtoP) will bring together NGOs from all regions of the world (2009).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:785631" }

  • Guide to UK nuclear power

    Nuclear power is back at the top of the political agenda.The UK relies on atomic energy for nearly 20% of its electricity. But all but one of its existing power stations are due to close by 2023.No reactors have been built since the 1980s, as accidents, spiralling decommissioning costs and the problem of nuclear waste eroded enthusiasm.But with soaring oil and gas prices, ...

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1189946" }

  • What kind of reading tasks might be worthwhile?

    ʺI looked at things you might consider when selecting authentic reading texts. There’s quite a lot to consider, I think, and I can sometimes spend several hours searching for the right text. As Ray Williams said, back in 1986 (ELTJ 40(1)), ‘in the absence of interesting texts, very little is possible.’Having spent all that time, the last thing you want is to only end up ...

    { "HE": [] }

  • Tips on Writing for the Ear

     ʺWriting for the Earʺ means writing words that people will hear with their ears, not read with their eyes. Like when people write scripts for radio or TV. Or when YOU write an oral presentation to read in class. When you write for the ear, you must remember one important fact: Listeners don't get a second chance! READERS who don't understand something can go back ...

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1674718" }

  • Postcrossing - Per Postkarten mit Menschen weltweit in Kontakt treten

    ʺWhat is Postcrossing?It's a project that allows you to send postcards and receive postcards back from random people around the world. That's real postcards, not electronic! Learn more.How does it work?    Request an address and a Postcard ID    Mail a postcard to that address    Receive a postcard from another postcrosser!    Register the Postcard ID ...

    { "HE": "DE:HE:111673" }

  • Top 8 British Youth Subcultures

    ʺYouth rebellion and music has long been linked with Britain's sartorial history; from ostentatious radicals embracing new levels of swank vulgarity, to the DIY garbs of punk and the brazenly bold colours of the 1980s new wave, the inception of subcultures has provided an outlet for expressive fashion and a space for communities to flourish.In their Introduction to ...

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