Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( (Freitext: ENGLISH) und (Quelle: "Bildungsserver Hessen") ) und (Lernressourcentyp: PORTAL)

Es wurden 10 Einträge gefunden

1 bis 10
  • Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture

    The English language homepage of the Ministry for food and agriculture

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  • UkraineWorld

    The English-language multimedia project focuses on explaining Ukraine and its culture (2022).

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  • German Law Archive

    The German Law Archive publishes cases, statutes, literature and bibliographies on German law in English language (2020).

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  • Internationale Politik Quarterly

    INTERNATIONALE POLITIK QUARTERLY (IPQ) is the English edition of INTERNATIONALE POLITIK (IP), Germany's leading foreign affairs magazine, offering a Berlin view on foreign affairs (2023).

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  • German News

    In addition to Deutsche Welle there are many magazines and newspapers that provide news from Germany in English: SPIEGEL, FAZ, WELT, SZ (2023)

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  • Oyez

    This multimedia archive is the most complete and authoritative source for all of the Supreme Court’s audio since the installation of a recording system in October 1955. Oyez offers transcript-synchronized and searchable audio, plain-English case summaries, illustrated decision information, and full-text Supreme Court opinions (USA 2020). 

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  • WHO - Portal zu HIV/AIDS

    World Health Organization (WHO) - site in English, French, Russian, Spanish... und weiteren Sprachen (nicht deutsch)

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  • D+C Development and Cooperation

    The monthly English language journal provides a forum of debate involving government, civil society, and academia and it is funded by Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (2019-21).

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  • Science across the World

    Science across the World brings an international dimension to science education in schools and colleges:The topics are always provided in English together with versions in several other languages. The file structure may vary from language to language.

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  • ESA - space for Kids

    Mehrsprachiges (dk, en, es, fr, it, bislang manches NUR in English) reichhaltiges Angebot  der Europäischen Raumfahrtbehörde (European Space Agency - ESA). Die meisten Angebote (mutlimediale Inhalte, Infotexte, Videos und Spiele) werden von Paxi dem animierten Weltraumforscher begleitet und richten sich an jüngere Kinder (Unterstufe).

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