Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: (Freitext: CLIMATE und WEATHER) und (Lernressourcentyp: UNTERRICHTSPLANUNG)

Es wurden 15 Einträge gefunden

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1 bis 10
  • Extreme Weather Film and Lesson Plans

    Students will practice forecasting and measuring weather, identifying weather patterns, and making connections between weather and climate (National Geographic 2021).

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  • UE Weather and Climate

    Fachliche Inhalte, kommunikative Tätigkeiten/Arbeitsformen, Materialien und Aufträge

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  • World Meteorological Organization: Weather

    Educational materials from the UN's scientific voice on weather, climate & water (2015-20)

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  • Weather Wiz Kids

    Launched by a U.S. meteorologist, the site is on a mission to introduce children, teachers, and parents to the world of weather and climate (USA 2020).

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  • Climate Change

    Designed to take place over 21 days or class sessions, this technology-supported curriculum ʺfocuses on essential climate literacy principles with an emphasis on weather and climate, Earth system energy balance, greenhouse gases, paleoclimatology, and how human activities influence climate change.ʺ (USA: Lehigh University 2019)

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  • Climate Change and the Pacific Islands

    Students examine the impacts of climate change in the Pacific Islands and the ways local communities are responding to the challenges (PBS/USA 2014-20).

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  • UE Weather and Climate

    Fachliche Inhalte, kommunikative Tätigkeiten/Arbeitsformen, Materialien und Aufträge

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  • Understanding Climate Change in Bhutan

    Students will explore the concept of the impacts of climate change in Bhutan, a country that is considered carbon negative, through a short video clip and discuss how the melting glaciers in the Himalayas can displace millions of people, ultimately affecting them personally (USA: PBS 2021).

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  • Lesson Plans and Online Environmental Resources

    Unterrichtseinheiten und andere Materialien zu den Themen: Air, Climate Change, Ecosystems, Energy, Health, Waste, Water (USA: Environmental Protection Agency 2020)

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  • Climate change – global warming

    Unterrichtsmodul für eine 11. Klasse von Stefanie Heinemann und Uta Schramm, Holzland-Gymnasium Hermsdorf (2013-19)

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