Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: (Freitext: "UNITED STATES") und (Lernressourcentyp: KARTE)

Es wurden 8 Einträge gefunden

1 bis 8
  • American Panorama

    An Atlas of United States History (University of Richmond, USA 2016)

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  • Mapping a New Nation

    This online exhibit looks at a map created in March of 1784 - the very first map of the newly independent United States, in addition eight other 18th century maps of the U.S. (Library of Congress 2014-20).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1740050" }

  • Wandkarte United States

    Die Karte zeigt auf der Vorderseite die Einzelstaaten der USA (politische Abbildung). Auf der Rückseite befindet sich eine physische Darstellung der USA. Beide Darstellungen haben einen Maßstab 1:4 900 000 bei einem Format von ca. 97 x 68 cm (gefalzt).

    { "LEARNLINE": "DE:SODIS:LEARNLINE-00018538" }

  • The Invasion of America

    Explore how the U.S. acquired North America in this interactive map of every Native American land cession since the birth of the nation (USA 2020).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:2830278" }

  • Atlas of the United States

    Karten meist mit Beschriftung und Beschreibung in Englisch.

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  • Neighborhood Atlas

    This interactive resource allows visitors to review the Area Deprivation Index of neighborhoods across the United States. The ADI is a numerical measure of public health that was developed by the Health Resources and Service Administration (USA 2018).

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  • Here’s How America Uses Its Land

    Readers find an interactive visual explanation of land use in the continental United States based on different categorizations used by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USA: Bloomberg 2018)

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  • Distribution of the Slave Population of the Southern States

    Map Showing the Distribution of the Slave Population of the Southern States of the United States; 1861 (USA 2021)

    { "HE": [] }

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