Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: (Freitext: "UNITED STATES") und (Lernressourcentyp: "INTERAKTIVES MATERIAL")

Es wurden 5 Einträge gefunden

1 bis 5
  • The Constitution of the United States of America Quiz

    Learners test their knowledge of the framework of the U.S. government in this 13-question quiz (2020).

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  • The United States Congress

    In this learning activity students test their knowledge of the roles and differences between the two Houses of Congress - the Senate and the House of Representatives (USA: Wisc-Online 2018).

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  • Learn about Congress

    Interactive learning activities that help to understand how the United States Congress works (Center on Congress at Indiana University 2009-20)

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  • Mapping Islamophobia

    The project utilizes interactive maps that document incidents of violence, discrimination, and bias targeting Muslim individuals and communities in the United States. Another interactive map  documents how American Muslim communities have responded to the anti-Muslim hostility (USA 2018).

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  • The Living New Deal

    The New Deal left a mark on cities and rural areas across the United States via a number of federal work projects. Visitors can explore these projects, which number well over 10,000, via an interactive map (USA 2017).

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[ multimediales Material [ Zimbabwe [ selbständige Arbeit [ Selbstunterricht [ lehrzielorientierter Unterricht [ Lehrmittel [ Lernen [ Zambia [ Yugoslavia [ Yemen [ Wirtschaft [ Western Sahara [ West Bank [ Wallis and Futuna [ Wake Island [ WORLD