Ergebnis der Suche (7)

Ergebnis der Suche nach: (Freitext: SCHOOL)

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61 bis 70
  • Übersicht zum Passiv

    Übersicht zur Formenbildung im Passiv für alle Zeitformen.

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  • Collins: Secondary school resources

    Titel des englischen Schulbuchverlags zu allen bilingualen Fächern (2013-20)

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  • The State of the States

    This site lends information and insights into US state politics and policy (London School of Economics 2019)

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  • Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer

    Justice Breyer speaks with students about the US Courts and Constitution (USA: United Nations International School 2021).

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  • Glossary of Education Reform

    The U.S. glossary describes school-improvement terms, concepts, and strategies (2019).

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  • Englisch - Vokabeltest Rechtschreibung

    Schülerinnen und Schüler können hier einen Rechtschreibtest hinsichtlich Vokabeln zum Thema ʺSchoolʺ online durchführen.

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  • Europa y la Guerra Civil Española

    Esta colección de enlaces ha sido realizada en el marco del proyecto ”Europa y la Guerra Civil Española” del Departamento de Historia de la Virtual School. Dieses Projekt der ”Virtual School” dürfte die kompletteste Linkliste des www zum Thema Spanischer Bürgerkrieg sein.

    { "HE": "DE:HE:114648" }

  • Handbook for international teaching materials

    Introduction, Chapter 1: The Characteristics of Intercultural School Textbooks , Chapter 2: Language Education and Childrens Literature, Chapter 3: Artistic development, Chapter 4: Geography and History, Chapter 5: The Applied Sciences

    { "DBS": "DE:DBS:12479" }

  • Bullying Reality Quiz

    Students take a quiz about school violence and create their own quiz on bullying.Students learn about school violence by taking an interactive quiz. Students create their own quiz by brainstorming questions about bullying. Students research online and print resources to find the answers to the questions they brainstormed.

    { "HE": "DE:HE:357577" }

  • ICES International cultural exchange services

    International cultural exchange services (ICES) is a non-profit youth exchange organization committed to educational study abroad programs. Public High School Exchange Program USA Short Term Student Program USA Academic High School Study in the USA  

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