Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( ( ( (Freitext: TEACHING) und (Lernressourcentyp: ARBEITSBLATT) ) und (Quelle: "Bildungsmediathek NRW") ) und (Systematikpfad: GEOGRAPHIE) ) und (Systematikpfad: "UMWELTGEFÄHRDUNG, UMWELTSCHUTZ")

Es wurden 5 Einträge gefunden

1 bis 5
  • Worksheets: Extreme events and climate change

    These teaching materials provide school pupils with the chance to work independently through the thematic complex surrounding climate change and weather-related climatic events.

    { "LEARNLINE": "DE:SODIS:LEARNLINE-00005704" }

  • Worksheets: Global climate change - general issues

    This teaching unit focuses on the causes and effects of climate change in general, and the issue of culprits and victims in particular. This basic module should allow the pupils to gain the basic knowledge for the following modules, which are conceived as case studies.

    { "LEARNLINE": "DE:SODIS:LEARNLINE-00005698" }

  • Worksheets: Sea level rise

    With this teaching module, the school pupils are given the opportunity to compare and look at the effects of the phenomenon of climate change both in an industrialised and in a developing country.

    { "LEARNLINE": "DE:SODIS:LEARNLINE-00005700" }

  • Worksheets: Going under!

    Using the specific case study of Tuvalu, pupils learn about the direct consequences of climate change for the inhabitants of a Pacific island state. The teaching module provides general information about climate change as well as looking at an entirely different perspective.

    { "LEARNLINE": "DE:SODIS:LEARNLINE-00005701" }

  • Worksheets: The melting glaciers

    This teaching module not only looks into the problem of glacial melting, but also at the still largely unknown consequences of this development, such as glacial lake outburst floods. Using two case studies, the pupils examine more closely the impacts on and options for action open to an industrialised country (Switzerland) and a developing country (Nepal).

    { "LEARNLINE": "DE:SODIS:LEARNLINE-00005699" }

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[ teacher [ Geografie [ Unterrichtsvorbereitung [ School [ Englisch [ Erdkunde [ Mathematik [ Übungen [ worksheets [ sonstige fachunabhängige Bildungsthemen [ resources [ information literacy [ geschichte bl [ foreign [ exercises [ daz