Ergebnis der Suche

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Es wurden 44 Einträge gefunden

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1 bis 10
  • Immigration: Stories, Struggles and Debates

    Companion curriculum for Immigration: The Ultimate Teen Guide by Tatyana Kleyn. This curriculum unit is designed for high school students and offers lesson plans on various topics related to immigration issues, including current policy debates, the role of the media in shaping perceptions on immigration, and diverse immigrant experiences within the United States (USA ...

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  • Immigration

    Students learn how to evaluate economic and non-economic factors of immigration by assuming the roles of people who are affected by the migration of skilled and unskilled workers. They analyze the economic causes and effects of migration in relation to several important public policy issues, including the impact of immigration on wages in the United States and of emigration on ...

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  • Get the facts on immigration

    Fact checks about immigration statistics, asylum seekers border control and potential impacts on public services and opinions (UK 2021)

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  • Migration, Mobility and Employment in the EU

    Bilinguales Themenheft (Wochenschau-Verlag 2017)

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  • Immigration Debate

    Americans offer positive and negative perspectives regarding immigrants. There are points of view, for example, regarding immigrants' impact on the U.S. labor force and issues around terrorism and immigration. Gathering information on pro and con arguments can be helpful if making conclusions regarding immigrants' roles in the United States is to occur (PBS, USA ...

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  • Key Migration Terms

    Mit diesen Begriffen beschreiben die Vereinten Nationen Migration (International Organization for Migration 2020).

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  • OECD: Migration

    The dossier offers data on migration and integration issues in OECD countries (2020).

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  • Gov.UK: Visas and immigration

    The official site explains the immigration and asylum process in the United Kingdom (2019).

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  • Border Challenges: Responding to the Global Migration Crisis

    This lesson helps students explore the global migration crisis, first through maps and photographs, then with a class reading, discussion and research assignment (New York Times Learning Network 2015).

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  • Clandestino

    Datenbank zu irregulärer Migration, entwickelt im Auftrag der Europäischen Kommission ab 2007 (2014)

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