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Value system at Education Systems International

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international; Ireland
The School of Education was ranked in the top 100 QS World University Subject Rankings in 2012. According to their own statement, they have a total of 70 doctoral students, which makes their doctoral programme the largest in Ireland. The School currently has an associated research centre, Centre for Research in Information Technology in Education (CRITE), and four research [...]

"The Boys Gender and Schooling website has been developed by the Queensland Department of Education and the Arts in response to school and community concerns about boys' education. It rejects the ' gender wars' approach adopted by some commentators in favour of a commitment to gender equity and improved outcomes for all students, male and female." The website provides [...]

The Values Education Programme is an initiative by the government to both study and promote values education at Australian schools. The website offers information on the initiative, links to related websites and full-text versions of its publications and newspaper articles about the programme.

This website is designed for secondary school teachers and students who require information about bullying. It provides tips how to cope with this problem, as well as myths and facts on the topic.

This website sponsored by YWAM (Youth With A Mission) - an international movement of Christians - offers training for individuals desiring to lead and to teach in the family, school and church. Main goal is to train students in a Christian world view with an emphasis on god, government, and education, specifically in an African context.

United States of America (USA)
In 1983, the Family Research Council incorporated as a nonprofit educational institution in the District of Columbia and fosters public debate and formulates public policy that values the family. Special information site on educational issues. Access to 'Ed Facts' analyzing fast-breaking education news with reagads to family policy, schools ( especially in the Washington [...]

United States of America (USA)
The USCC Department of Education assists the bishops in their pastoral mission of teaching, catechesis and education. The page is part of the USCCB (US Catholic Bishops) website and offers access to information about cahtolic schools and public policy, division of catholic higher education and religious education. Links to USCCB publications (e.g. principles of educational [...]

These are the pages on education issues provided by the "Child Rights Information Network". It informs that currently (2002) more than 130 million children do not attend school. Users can find special information by database search with entry fields for Information type, Region, Language, and Keywords.

Portal for Australian Catholic Education Schools. The NCEC is commissioned by the Australian Catholic Bishops for developing at the national level for the Church's work in education. Access to information about NCEC, essential educational links, publications, catholic universities, education commissions, Australian bishops and the catholizism.

This is a short empirical report (from a personal view) of a Kazakh woman, reflecting her childhood (kindergarten and school) in Kazakhstan prior to 1989, i.e. before the breakdown of the Soviet Union. The text under the heading "Ideology and School" is of particular interest because it provides information on the system of values at that time.

The new Constitution of Finland entered into force on 1 March 2000. This web site contains information on the new Constitution under the heading the constiution in full-text version and the development of constitutional law in Finland under the: The Finnish System of Government . The Constitution of Finland is available in English translation, as well as in a number of other [...]

This is the home page of a non-violent approach for helping children and adults with special needs. It offers access to the following buttons: gentle teaching international; gentle teaching places; gentle teaching schools; quality of life; quality of life profile; sensory integration; personal teaching plan; placements and courses.

The organization carries out its activities in the fields of human rights, peace and citizenship education. It proposes teacher training activities, curriculum strategy and content, as well as specific actions contributing to the development of attitudes, skills and knowledge for the enhancement of human rights, fundamental freedoms, and non-violent conflict resolution. The [...]

This full text published by Laura and Carol Capita is a national report on "European educational collaboration for peace, stability and democracy". It is one of the country reports from the series "Education and Media in Southeast Europe". The text is subdivided into six main sections: 1. Introduction; 2. The Situation Prior to 1989. The Situation in 1990; 3. The Significance [...]

This full text published by Maria Antova, Vladimir Atanasov, Radosveta Drakeva bears the heading "Education for Human Rights, Peace, Stability, and Democracy". It is one of the country reports from the series "Education and Media in Southeast Europe". The text is subdivided into three main sections: Part One: Basic problems of the Bulgarian education system; Part Two: [...]

This full text published by Albert Mrgole bears the heading "Perspectives for Multicultural Co-operation in Slovenian Education: Framework for a Country-Wide Report". It is one of the country reports from the series "Education and Media in Southeast Europe". The text is subdivided into four main sections: Part 1: European and Multicultural Perspectives in Elementary and Middle [...]

North Macedonia
This full text published by Ilo Trajkovski bears the heading "Education for Peace, Stability and Democracy in the Republic of Macedonia ( FYROM)". It is one of the country reports from the series "Education and Media in Southeast Europe". The text is subdivided into four main sections: 1. The Normative Commitment of Macedonian Educational Reforms to Peace, Stability and [...]

Bosnia and Herzegovina
This full text published by Christof Bender bears the heading "Searching for a Strategy ...: Multiethnicity, Tolerance and National Stereotypes in the Educational Systems of Bosnia and Herzegovina". It is one of the country reports from the series "Education and Media in Southeast Europe". The text is subdivided five main sections: 1. Introduction; Background - Key-Factors; 3. [...]

This full text published by Fatmira Myteberi bears the heading "Education for Peace, Stability and Democracy in Albania". It is one of the country reports from the series "Education and Media in Southeast Europe". The text is subdivided into two main sections: 1. On the Way to Change; 2. Implemented and Ongoing Projects at the Pre-University Level of Education (K-12).

Serbia; Montenegro
This full text published by Tünde Kovac-Cerovic, Carolin Leutloff, Elmar Pichl is a national report on the issue "Education for peace, tolerance and democracy in Yugoslavia", embedded in a presentation of educational developments prior to and after the conflicts in former Yugoslavia. In this analysis particularly social and political conditions are characterized. Examples [...]

This full text published by Ladislav Bognar bears the heading "Problems and Perspectives in the Development of Schooling in Croatia". It is one of the country reports from the series "Education and Media in Southeast Europe". The text is subdivided into: Introduction; School System; Value Education; Minority Education; Peace Education and Human Rights; Changes in the Croatian [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Character Education Partnership (CEP) is a nonpartisan coalition of organizations and individuals dedicated to developing moral character and civic virtue in our nation's youth as one means of creating a more compassionate and responsible society.- On this website eleven principles of effective character education are mentioned. Besides quality standards for character [...]

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