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School exchange at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: school exchange

key words found 1 - 23 of 23

United Kingdom; Europe
Erasmus+ is a European Union (EU) student exchange programme. The British website for this programme posted a short notice to inform participants on the current situation after the socalled "Brexit". In a referendum on 23 June 2016, the British voted for the exit from the European Union. Many British but also European citizens now worry about whether they can still participate [...]

United Kingdom; Europe; Germany
Article by the online version of the German journal Der Spiegel, 24.06.16, authors: Armin Himmelrath and Silke Fokken. Available only in German. English abstract [courtesy translation]: "So far, for German pupils and students the UK has been the number one country for exchange. One of the reasons for that also was the easy crossing of EU bounderies. Will everything change [...]

United Kingdom; Europe
Several articles of the online magazine Times Higher Education (THE) on the EU Referendum in the UK about whether the UK should leave the EU or not ("Brexit"). THE is otherwise known for its THE World University Ranking. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

United Kingdom; Europe
Please find a list of article from the e-journal University World News on the discussion about the Brexit, its possible effects on student exchange with the UK, on international cooperation of UK universities and more. University World News comprises a network of some five dozen education journalists based in more than two dozen countries, with representation in all regions. [...]

This homepage grants access to an overview of the economy, politics, culture etc. of the Netherlands. The category "Bildung" contains information about Dutch schools in Germany, international school in the Netherlands, a list of the Dutch universities including links to their homepages as well as links about studies in the Netherlands. Furthermore, information about [...]

Spain; United States of America (USA)
Foundation for the Future, working in association with Center for Cultural Interchange in Chicago, IL, matches Spanish schools with American schools for an educational partnership designed to foster international friendships and bring classroom curricula to life.

The website of the European Bureau for Lesser-Used Languages (EBLUL) offers in particular a regional portal for minority languages in the Baltic region, Nordic countries and Sapmi. EBLUL is a democratically governed Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) promoting languages and linguistic diversity. It is based on a network of Member State Committees (MSCs) in all the 'old' 15 [...]

This website of the Department of Education, Science and Training ( DEST) provides extensive information both for international students who wish to come to Australia as well as Australian students who wish to study abroad. It also provides information for school students and trainees. Many of the department's publications on international education can be accessed online for [...]

The website of the Educational Programme of the European Union SOKRATES for Liechtenstein contains adress lists, deadlines, forms and the description of the programmes and projects ARION, COMENIUS, ERASMUS, EURYDICE, GRUNDTVIG, LINGUA and MINERVA.

France; international
Each French "scientific region" (académie) has an international representative (DAREIC) which co-ordinates school exchange, international activities of schools, programmes for teachers' linguistic improvement and respective pedagogical assistance to schools. The homepage provides addresses of all DAREICs. The "académies" are an administrative structure of the French [...]

"The Youth Institute is a public body, attached to the Ministry of Youth and Children, whose main activity is aimed at promoting actions for the benefit of young people." The themes adressed by the institute are: Erasmus+ Youth Program, European Programs, Participation and Volunteering, Mobility and Leisure, Young Creation, Employment and training, Coexistence and Health. [...]

This web site wants to meet the need for a comprehensive, free, and impartial source of information online for students from other countries planning to study in Spain and of Spaniards wishing to study abroad - so this primary source of information on line in students' search for international study opportunities was created. Additionally, the following services are provided: [...]

The Swiss foundation for federal cooperation promotes and coordinates the cooperation between cantons and the federal state. The foundation is responsible for youth exchange and supports projects and exchange programmes for pupils, apprentices, young employees and teachers. The activities comprise exchange between language regions in Switzerland as well as foreign exchange.

The Education Service of Léargas works throughout the education sector in Ireland to promote, develop and reinforce the European and international dimensions of education. They are managing the adult education and school-related actions of the EU Socrates programme, COMENIUS, GRUNDTVIG, as well as bilateral and exchange programmes. On the website information on the projects [...]

Ireland; Northern Ireland; United Kingdom
Co-operation Ireland is the leading charity working to bring a lasting peace to the island of Ireland. It draws its support from people from all backgrounds in Ireland, Britain and the USA. This site informs in schools projects and encourages schools from both sides of the border to build links and relationships with each other. Successful programmes are now becoming part of [...]

The Canadian embassy in Berlin offers a short overview and links to detailed information on school and study visits in Canada.

The website of the Department of Education and Training of the Australian Capital Territory provides information on its servies and programmes, information for students, parents and teachers, access to its publications and other resources as well as a school directory.

EP-Nuffic formed in 2015 out of a fusion of the organisations Nuffic (founded in 1952) and EP (founded in 1990). Nuffic and EP respectively supported internationalisation in higher education and in primary and secondary education. Now, EP-Nuffic provides detailed information on internationalisation in all spheres of education. Information is given as well for Dutch people who [...]

The homepage provides link lists and addresses of all educational institutions in the school, higher education, professional training ( colleges for specific professions) and adult education sector which accept international students. Especially, language schools are listed. Furthermore, there is a link "country resources" with general information about the country.

This database provides a collection of definitions on specific terms on the European dimension of education. These definitions were selected from various national and European sources and comprise programmes, projects, networks and organizations as objects of explanation. All terms are available in three languages (DE, FR, EN). For the most part definitions are also given in [...]

The website of the Department of Education and Children's Services offers extensive information on all aspects of education in South Australia. It is organised according to levels of education and concerned groups (students, parents, etc.).

Established in 1934, this school served children of emigrants to be taught in a spirit of democracy and freedom based on ideas of Pestalozzi. Today it is a successful bilingual school offering education from kindergarten to the secondary school leaving certificate of Argentine. Teachers of this school are recruited from Argentine and Germany.

Germany; France
The DFJW / OFAJ aims to promote the German-French cultural exchange for young people and students. Conducting this function, it supports young persons, institutions, associations, communes and other organizations on the route to a fruitful partnership. On its website, the Youth Office offers useful information, dossiers and cultural and lingual exchange opportunities including [...]

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