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Montessori method at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: Montessori method

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The Canadian Council of Montessori Administrators is a legally registered Canadian, not-for-profit corporation committed to supporting Canadian Montessori administrators and schools. The CCMA provides a unified voice in negotiations with government and other agencies.

The web page of the Montessori Australia Foundation (MAF) provides a directory of Montessori schools and Centres in Australia.

New Zealand
The web page of the Montessori Aotearoa New Zealand (MANZ) provides a directory of their member schools and early childhood centres.

United Kingdom
The website by the Montessory Society UK (AMI-UK) providing information on Montessori pedagogy, and targeting parents and teachers. Information regarding training, teaching and learning resources, schools and membership.

The Association disseminates publications and teaching materials related to Montessori pedagogy, it distributes materials as well as providing for training (and training of trainers), and networking activities ( e.g. by conferences).

United States of America (USA)
The Association Montessori Internationale was founded in 1929 by Dr. Maria Montessori to maintain the integrity of her life's work. AMI's activities include: training courses, training of trainers programs, organising congresses and conferences, offering a book list of Montessori publications in several languages (free for download). The website features apart of these [...]

The site contains information about activitities/institutions in the field of Montessori method.

New Zealand
The site provides information about Montessori-institutions (schools) in New Zealand, information for Montessori teachers and information about schools which are members of the Montessori Association ("schools near you"). Furthermore, there are texts about the Montessori theory.

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