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Country reports - Realisation exemples [more]

In the years after the starting signal for the Bologna process by the Sorbonne declaration it already came in the European countries to a set of changes of the national university systems in the sense of the agreed measures to the creation of a European university area. In all signatory states of the Bologna declaration the Bologna process is in the meantime embodied on the university political agenda.


In fast allen europäischen Ländern sind im Namen des Bologna-Prozesses "eine Reihe von Reformmaßnahmen... angestoßen worden. Zwischenzeitlich kristallisiert sich allerdings immer stärker heraus, dass die Reformwelle nicht unbedingt zur Angleichung der nationalen Hochschulsysteme führt." Der Autorin "erscheint es daher notwendig, eine Bestandsaufnahme der tatsächlichen [...]


The Bologna Process, a pan-European initiative to build a European Higher Education Area and to reform studies in the participating countries, is named after Italy's oldest university site, the city of Bologna, where some 30 European Ministers of Higher Education gave this process an important impetus during a conference in 1999. The report gives an overview of the main goals [...]

In the wake of the Bologna Declaration, the Italian higher education system is currently undergoing deep changes regarding the structure of degrees awarded and the accreditation process. After giving an insight into the reform of higher education cycles and qualifications in Italy, the essay outlines the procedures of approval, accreditation and evaluation of degree programmes [...]


This article examines the extent to which higher education policy in the Netherlands is becoming Europeanised. This issue is explored through the case of the Bologna Process and the impact of Bachelor-Master's (BAMA) Programmes on Dutch higher education policy. Changes in higher education, such as increasing competitiveness and decentralisation, have increased the need for new [...]



Seit 2001 ist die Türkei im Bologna Prozess beteiligt, somit hat sie ihre Bereitschaft bei der Gestaltung des Europäischen Hochschulraums erklärt. Im Europäisierungsprozess unter Bologna kommen ungleiche Partner zusammen, die unterschiedliche Ambitionen, sowie unterschiedliche Projektionen in dem Europäisierungsprozess haben. Die Arbeit geht diesem am Beispiel der Türkei [...]

United Kingdom

The paper argues that there are very large qualitative differences between the higher education systems and practices in different European countries, which will not be apparent in the essentially quantitative approach to harmonisation which is basic to the Bologna process. As far as Germany is concerned, it is likely that the recent changes in its higher education system, [...]

Last Update: 27.07.2009  -

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