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ISCHE 40 Pre-Conference Workshop: Picture Archives and the Emergence of Visual History of Education

28.08.2018, 09:00 Uhr - 28.08.2018, 17:30 Uhr

Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung (BBF)
Warschauer Str. 34-36
10243 Berlin


h t t p : / / o p a c . b b f . d i p f . d e / v i r t u e l l e s b i l d a r c h i v / w o r k s h o p / w o r k s h o p _ 2 0 1 8Externer Link

One of the characteristic features of modern life is the omnipresence of images - in public life as well as in the private surroundings. At latest with coining the term "Visual history" at the beginning of the nineteen nineties historical disciplines are dealing with this ever growing pool of pictorial sources. This is also true for educational history - especially when keeping in mind that the use of images in an educational context is common practice since early modern ages. This concerns the presentation practices, the design of didactic visual media and their use in educational practice as well as the illustrated traces of historical educational practice and historical educational knowledge (e.g. photographs of school buildings or educational scenes).


Picture library, History of educational activities,

Type of event conference/ convention/ symposium
Thematic area science/ educational research
Target group lecturers/ researchers
Conference language English
Organised by BBF - Research Library for the History of Education Berlin
Last modified 09.05.2018

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