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Public Education at the Crossroads

12.04.2018, 18:30 Uhr - 12.04.2018, 20:30 Uhr

German House New York
871 United Nations Plaza
10017 New York, USA

United States

h t t p : / / w w w . g e r m a n i n n o v a t i o n . o r g / n e w s - a n d - e v e n t s / e v e n t s - c a l e n d a r / e v e n t ? i d = 3 8 7 e 1 a d 9 - c 7 c e - e 7 1 1 - 8 7 4 1 - 0 0 1 5 5 d c f d 9 6 9Externer Link

Should free public education be a universal right? Should countries and states guarantee education for all its citizens? How should they make it available?
Challenges to public education in the 21st century are plenty, and they vary from the efficacy of public financing to the capacity of the public systems to adapt to the demands of an increasingly globalized economy or to accommodate to the multiple and often contradictory demands voiced from different ideological, social and cultural perspectives.

Against this background, researchers from the US, Canada and Germany will join for a panel to introduce and discuss new evidence and responses to these challenges. They will examine both complementary as well as competing factors that impact public education in democratic systems. The panelists will discuss what is needed to prepare schools for 21st century challenges such as migration and multilingualism. In addition, they will analyze the ways in which public education has produced notions of citizenship and democracy that need to be developed further to address the realities of 21st century societies.


Globalization, Multilingualism, School, Teaching,

Type of event panel/forum discussion
Thematic area lower secondary school; upper secondary school; science/ educational research
Target group lecturers/ researchers
Conference language English
Organised by International Cooperation in Education (ice), Frankfurt und das German Center for Research and Innovation (GCRI) in New York
Last modified 23.01.2018

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