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Ariadne Pfad:


Inaugural Symposium Philanthropy in Education: Setting the Stage for Analyzing Global Trends, Regional Differences and Diverse Perspectives


Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies


h t t p : / / w w w . n o r r a g . o r g / e n / l a t e s t - n e w s / a r c h i v e / 2 0 1 7 / M a y / 2 4 / d e t a i l / p h i l a n t h r o p y - i n - e d u c a t i o n - g l o b a l - t r e n d s - d i v e r s e - p e r s p e c t i v e s - c a l l - f o r - p a p e r s . h t m lExterner Link

The deadline for abstract submission is 24th May 2017. The conference will take place from 22 to 24 November 2017.

The series Philanthropy in Education: Global Trends, Regional Differences and Diverse Perspectives seeks to facilitate greater understanding and collaboration between philanthropic organizations, national policymakers, representatives of international organizations and academics working in the field of education. The series consists of an inaugural symposium (held in Geneva, November 2017) followed by six regional symposiums in Francophone Africa, India, People's Republic of China, North America, Anglophone Africa and Brazil, and a closing symposium to be held in Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates in May 2019.
[Abstract: Site editorÂ’s information]


Europa, Afrika, Indien, China, Nordamerika, Brasilien, Bildungspolitik, Entwicklungspolitik, Nichtregierungsorganisation, Kooperation,

Art der Veranstaltung Konferenz / Tagung / Fachtagung / Kolloquium / Kongress / Symposium
Inhaltsbereich der Veranstaltung Wissenschaft/Bildungsforschung; Bildungspolitik/Bildungsverwaltung
Adressaten Hochschullehrer/innen / Forscher/-innen; Fachleute aus Bildungspolitik und -verwaltung
Tagungssprache Englisch
Veranstalter Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
Zuletzt geändert am 10.05.2017

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