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The Copenhagen process: enhanced European cooperation in vocational education and training

h t t p s : / / e u r - l e x . e u r o p a . e u / l e g a l - c o n t e n t / D E / T X T / H T M L / ? u r i = U R I S E R V : e f 0 0 1 8 & f r o m = D EExterner Link

The Copenhagen Process describes an agreement signed by European ministers in charge of vocational education and training in 2002, and aims at building a European area of vocational education, with regard to qualifications, transparency, and the promotion of exchange. This website is maintained by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Although most information is in German, English language resources can be activated.


Europe, Vocational Education, Educational policy, Quality assurance, Europe,

Language German; English
Contact Europäische Kommission
Last modified 25.02.2016

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