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Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

Center for Digital Accessibility and Assistive Technology (ACCESS@KIT)

Engesserstr. 4
76131 Karlsruhe

h t t p s : / / w w w . a c c e s s . k i t . e d u / e n g l i s h / i n d e x . p h pExterner Link

The Center for Digital Accessibility and Assistive Technology (ACCESS@KIT) - the former Study Center for Visually impaired students (SZS) supports and advises visually impaired students and prospective students in all study courses offered at KIT. It also plays an active role in teaching and in research on Assistive Technology. ACCESS@KIT works closely with the Computer Vision for Human-Computer Interaction research group.


Handicap, Counseling center, Blind person, higher education, Visual handicap, Male student, Academic studies,

Type of institution university
Country Germany
Mailbox Postfach 6980
Zipcode of the mailbox 76049
Town of the mailbox Karlsruhe
Phone 0721 608-42760
Telefax 0721 608-42020
last modified 22.03.2023

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