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Universität Siegen

Centre for Planning and Evaluation of Social Services; Centro de planejamento e avaliação do Serviço Social (ZPE)

Adolf-Reichwein-Strasse 2
57076 Siegen

h t t p s : / / w w w . u n i - s i e g e n . d e / z p e / i n d e x . h t m l . e n ? l a n g = e nExterner Link

ZPE is an academic Research Centre at the University of Siegen where professors and their research associates and assistants from various departments cooperate to realise an interdisciplinary approach to social science research. The disciplines represented in the ZPE are sociology, social administration, social work, education, psychology and social medicine. The shared aim of ZPE is to support the modernisation of social services in response to the new challenges of consumer orientation and public in Germany. The objective is to develop new ways of knowledge transfer between University and practical work by intensive communication.



Type of institution university
Country Germany
Phone 0271 740-2228
Telefax 0271 740-2228
last modified 17.05.2019

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