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Association of Austrian Adult Education Centres (VÖV)

Pulverturmgasse 14
1090 Wien

h t t p s : / / w w w . v h s . o r . a t / e n g l i s hExterner Link

The umbrella organisation of Austrian adult education centres, the English summary of the website offers a historical overview, quality gfeatures of the adult education centres (reasonable fees, breadth, geographical coverage), and areas of education (lnguage learning, vocational education,personality, civic/society issues). It further outlines the tasks of the VÖV itself and provides statistical data.


Austria, Counselling, Adult education, Adult education institute, Professional Continuing Education, adult education, further education, Austria,

Type of institution alliance/ association/ interest group
Country Austria
Phone +43.1.216 4226
Telefax +43.1.216 4226-30
Projects of the Institution

PROfessionalization of Validation Experts

last modified 28.10.2023

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