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Max Planck Institute for Human Development (MPIB)

Lentzeallee 94
14195 Berlin

h t t p s : / / w w w . m p i b - b e r l i n . m p g . d e / e nExterner Link

The Max Planck Institute for Human Development is a multidisciplinary research institute dedicated to the study of human development and education, and their evolutionary, social, historical, and institutional contexts. Considering human development and education from a life-span and life-course perspective is another facet of the Institute´s research agenda.


Educational research, Sciences of education, Education system, Psychology, Sociology, Educational achievement, Labour market research, Developmental psychology, Growing old,

Type of institution non-university research/ service
Country Germany
Phone 030 82406-0
Telefax 030 8249939
Parts of the Institution

Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung: Bibliothek und Wissenschaftliche Information

last modified 16.02.2017

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