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Galicia Jewish Museum, Zydowskie Muzeum Galicja (GJM)

Zydowskie Muzeum Galicja
ulica Dajwór 18
31-052 Krakau

h t t p s : / / g a l i c i a j e w i s h m u s e u m . o r g / e n /Externer Link

The Galicia Jewish Museum exists to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust and celebrate the Jewish culture of Polish Galicia, presenting Jewish history from a new perspective. An innovative and unique institution located in Kazimierz, the Jewish district of Kraków, Poland, the Museum is a registered charity in Poland and the UK. The objectives of the Museum are to challenge the stereotypes and misconceptions typically associated with the Jewish past in Poland and to educate both Poles and Jews about their own histories, whilst encouraging them to think about the future.



Type of institution library/ documentation centre/ museum
Country Poland
last modified 01.09.2021

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