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Orff-Zentrum München, Staatsinstitut für Forschung und Dokumentation

Kaulbachstr. 16
80539 München

h t t p s : / / w w w . o z m . b a y e r n . d e /Externer Link

The Orff-Zentrum München, State Institute for Research and Documentation, is a facility established by the Free State of Bavaria. It was founded in 1990 and since then its task has been to promote discussion of the life and achievements of the Composer Carl Orff and to generate new monumentum into his work by: preservation and maintenance of the legacy of Carl Orff; collection and archiving of the materials by and on Orff; indexing and provision of the collection and archive materials for research, theatre and musical activities, music education and media; bestowal of doctoral scholarships from the Carl Orff-Foundation; issuing of publications; information and advice to all parties interested in the works of Carl Orff; organisation of events (concerts, lectures, symposia, film presentations, exhibitions).


Documentation, Research, Musicology,

Type of institution non-university research/ service
Country Germany
Phone +49 89 288 105 0
Telefax +49 89 288 105 33
last modified 18.10.2018

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