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Ariadne Pfad:


Zgaga, Pavel

Bologna process between Prague and Berlin.

Report to the Ministers of Education of the signatory countries.

h t t p s : / / w w w . r e s e a r c h g a t e . n e t / p u b l i c a t i o n / 2 3 4 7 3 5 2 3 0 _ B o l o g n a _ P r o c e s s _ b e t w e e n _ P r a g u e _ a n d _ B e r l i n _ R e p o r t _ t o _ t h e _ M i n i s t e r s _ o f _ E d u c a t i o n _ o f _ t h e _ S i g n a t o r y _ C o u n t r i e sExterner Link

The Prague Summit (2001) confirmed that the idea initiated in Bologna two years earlier had evolved into a unique international process of exceptional importance for the future of higher education in Europe. In the successive period 2001- 2003, awareness of the importance of the Bologna process and the real need for a common European Higher Education Area (EHEA) dramatically increased all around Europe, not only at governmental level but also at the level of institutions. (In 2003) the Process entered a demanding phase in which answers to particular problems detected in the last follow-up period should be found, and detailed strategies and "tuned" structural as well as social tools should be developed. Challenges to national higher education systems are interlinked with challenges brought about by growing European associating, (re)integrating and globalising processes. The Bologna process is no longer voluntary but a set of commitments in the framework of the follow-up of the report of the concrete future objectives of education and training systems, endorsed in Stockholm in 2001. In the forefront of the follow-up process between Prague and Berlin was a series of official follow-up seminars which aimed to explore the areas pointed out in the Prague Communiqué. The list of official conferences between Prague and Berlin consists of ten seminars, spread over the period between March 2002 and June 2003, organized in six problem areas (quality assurance and accreditation; recognition issues and the use of credits; development of joint degrees; degree and qualification structure; social dimensions of the Bologna process; lifelong learning) and covering all key issues of the Bologna Process. The Bologna process fits closely into the broader agenda defined at a meeting of the European Council in Lisbon in March 2000, stressing the importance of "education and training for living and working in the knowledge society".

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