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Wolff, Laurence

Learning Assessments in Israel's Schools: Beyond Controversy and Towards Best Practice.

h t t p s : / / c p b - u s - e 1 . w p m u c d n . c o m / b l o g . u m d . e d u / d i s t / b / 5 0 4 / f i l e s / 2 0 1 8 / 0 2 / L a r r y - W o l f f - R e s e a r c h - P a p e r - J a n u a r y - 2 0 1 4 - 2 a u c 4 k 7 . p d fExterner Link

Dieser Bericht von 2014 untersucht den Diskurs zu den zwei nationalen Schulleistungsmessungen Meitsav und Bagrut und vergleicht sie mit internationalen Assessments. Es wird nach Erklärungen danach gesucht, warum sich Israel in den letzten Messungen verbessert hat. Außerdem werden bildungspolitische Maßnahmen und internationale Best Practice Beispiel angesprochen. [Zusammenfassung: Redaktion Bildung Weltweit].

"This report [from 2014] seeks to put these controversies in context both within Israel and internationally. It summarizes Israel's experience with its national assessments, the Meitsav, reviews what actually happened to account for Israel's recent improvement in international tests, and discusses issues related to the Bagrut. It comments on recent policy changes and discusses how to incorporate best practice worldwide in educational assessments into Israel's education system." [Abstract: Site editor's information].


Comparative education, Educational research, Israel, Cross-national comparison, Educational research, Outcome based education, Comparative education, Controversial issues (Course Content), Outcome based education, Cross-national comparison, Controversial issues (Course Content), Israel,

Quelle College Park, Md.: The Joseph and Alma Gildenhorn Institute for Israel Studies (2014), 15 S., URL des Volltextes:
Series Research Paper / The Joseph and Alma Gildenhorn Institute for Israel Studies#Bd.#11
Language englisch
Document type Monographie

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