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International Bureau of Education

World Data on Education. Palestine.


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Die World Data on Education werden seit 1996 veröffentlicht. Die Ausgabe 2010/2010 ist die 7. Veröffentlichung. Die Berichte speisen sich aus den Nationalberichten der jeweiligen Länder sowieso zusätzlichen Quellen. [Zusammenfassung: Redaktion Bildung Weltweit].

"First published as a CD-ROM in 1996, the... World Data on Education has regularly been improved and expanded using the information included in the National Reports on the Development of Education, supplemented with data from other sources." The edition of 2010/2011 is the 7th edition. [Abstract: Site editor's information supplemented by editors of Education Worldwide].


Educational ideal, Competency measurement, Planning of education, Educational policy, Education statistics, Teacher, Palestine, Education system, School, Education system, higher education, pre-school, Educational policy, Educational ideal, Educational Administration, Performance measurement, Planning of education, Education statistics, pre-school, School, Educational Administration, Teacher, Curriculum subject, higher education, Performance measurement, Palestine,

Quelle Genf: IBE UNESCO (2011), 21 S., URL des Volltextes:
Series World Data on Education
Language englisch
Document type Monographie

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