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Indonesien / Departemen Pendidikan Nasional

Country report: Indonesia.

Indonesian public policies on inclusive education.

h t t p : / / w w w . i b e . u n e s c o . o r g / f i l e a d m i n / u s e r _ u p l o a d / a r c h i v e / N a t i o n a l _ R e p o r t s / I C E _ 2 0 0 8 / i n d o n e s i a _ N R 0 8 . p d fExterner Link

Dieser Länderbericht zum Stand und zur Weiterentwicklung der Inklusion in Indonesien wurde vom indonesischen Bildungsministerium anlässlich der 48. Unesco-Bildungskonferenz im Jahr 2008 eingereicht. Das Schwerpunktthema der Konferenz war Inklusive Bildung. [Zusammenfassung: Redaktion Bildung Weltweit].

This national report on the status and development of inclusive education in Indonesia was handed in in 2008 by the Indonesian Ministry for Education on the occasion of the 48th Unesco Conference on Education. The theme of the conference was "Inclusive Education: the Way of the Future". [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide].


Education, Education for all, Equal opportunity, Equality of rights, Education, Educational policy, Equal opportunity, Equality of rights, Indonesia, Education system, Education system, Special education for the handicapped, Educational policy, Handicap, Right to education, Right to education, Promotion of disadvantaged persons, Inclusion, Handicap, Special education for the handicapped, Disadvantage, Indonesia,

Quelle Jakarta: Ministry of National Education (2008), 21 S., URL des Volltextes:
Language englisch
Document type Monographie

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