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Sousa, Sandra Zákia; Bianchetti, Lucídio

Pós-graduação e pesquisa em educação no Brasil: o protagonismo da ANPEd.

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"As a result of the debate which took place in May 2007 between members of ANPEd with a distinguished role in the creation, organization, administration and direction of the association, this article presents some considerations on the movement of postgraduate studies and research in education in Brazil, based on an historical retrospective. Emphasis is given to the procedures adopted by ANPEd, based on aspects related to its internal organization, as well as its articulation with governmental organs, civil society groups and other academic and scientific associations. In addition to the task of historical recovery, the analysis presents perspectives for the consolidation and amplification of the association's initiatives, with a view to strengthen its inductive role in the improvement of the quality of research and postgraduate training. It highlights especially the Association's leading role as interlocutor in the formulation and implementation of public policy in education." [Abstract: Site editor's information].


Quality of education, Educational research, History of educational activities, Educational policy, Brazil, Educational policy, Educational research, History of science, society, Brazil,

Quelle In: Revista brasileira de educação, 12 (2007) 36, S. 389-409, URL des Volltextes:;
Language portugiesisch
Document type Journal Articles
ISSN 1413-2478; 1809-449X
DOI 10.1590/S1413-24782007000300002

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