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Malta Campos, Maria M.; Fávero, Osmar

A pesquisa em educação no Brasil.

h t t p : / / w w w . f c c . o r g . b r / p e s q u i s a / p u b l i c a c o e s / c p / a r q u i v o s / 9 3 1 . p d fExterner Link

"The paper contains a broad overview of the present situation of educational research in Brasil. The authors examine characteristics of the graduate programs on Education, which are the main institutional background for research, since the early 70's. The article also provides informationabout independent research centers, such as the Carlos Chagas Foundation, and analyses the financing system for capacity building, production and dissemination of educational research. The authors briefly examine the theoretical and methodological orientations in educational research, as well as subjects investigated in recent production. The article finally discusses current issues, perspectives, needs and challenges in this field of knowledge." [Abstract: Site editor's information].


Educational research, History of educational activities, Brazil, Educational research, History of science, Brazil,

Quelle In: Cadernos de pesquisa, (1994) 88, S. 5-17, URL des Volltextes:
Language portugiesisch
Document type Journal Articles
ISSN 0100-1574

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