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Ariadne Pfad:


Bittar, Marisa

A Pesquisa em educação no Brasil e a constituição do campo científico.

h t t p s : / / w e b . a r c h i v e . o r g / w e b / 2 0 1 6 0 4 2 9 1 8 3 9 5 7 / h t t p : / / w w w . h i s t e d b r . f e . u n i c a m p . b r / r e v i s t a / e d i c o e s / 3 3 / a r t 0 1 _ 3 3 . p d fExterner Link

"The aim of this paper is to investigate the Education research in Brazil and the foundation of the research field based on Pierre Bourdieu. To this author, the dispute for scientific competences makes up the inherent relations of the research activity, since the scientific field is a place for political debate and, therefore, defines the research questions - eminently scientific and political - besides its methods and strategies, these, scientific and political as well. Based on the perspective that the Education research in Brazil starts with the establishment of the National Institute for Pedagogic Studies (1938), therefore before the creation of the Post-Graduation Programs in universities (1965), this paper describes the properties of theses stages, showing that the dispute for scientific knowledge is more typical to the latter." [Abstract: Site editor's information].

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