X Minus One - Old Time Radio (Science Fiction Hörspiele) - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial online bei Elixier

h t t p s : / / a r c h i v e . o r g / d e t a i l s / x m i n u s o n e o t r

ʺInitially a revival of NBC's Dimension X (1950-51), X Minus One is widely considered among the finest science fiction dramas ever produced for radio. The first 15 episodes were new versions of Dimension X episodes, but the remainder were adaptations of newly published science fiction stories by leading writers in the field, including Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Philip K. Dick, Robert A. Heinlein, Frederik Pohl and Theodore Sturgeon, along with a few original scripts.ʺ Quelle: Anbieter Lizenzfreie Science Fiction Hörspiele. Laufzeit je ca. 30 Minuten.


Sekundarstufe I



freie Schlagwörter:

Minus; One; Old; Time; Radio; Science; Fiction; Hörspiele




Schule Sprachen und Literatur Englisch Medien Radio

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