9 Autumn & Fall Poems for Kids That Encourage Fluency & Comprehension - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial online bei Elixier

h t t p s : / / m y t h r e e r e a d e r s . c o m / 9 - a u t u m n - f a l l - p o e m s - f o r - k i d s /

ʺDid you know that there is a reason that kids want to read the same story over and over (and over) again? They are learning and enjoying it!Repetition of text for beginning readers help teach letter sounds, blend sounds, sentence structure, expression, and more. When you repeat a story to your child daily, those sentences, paragraphs and pages become a part of their whole new reading experience.They learn fluency from you by hearing the sentences flow smoothly and with proper expression. They want to copy you! So, they do copy you. And then, the words come alive for them on the page.Poems and rhymes are an excellent way to start building fluency in your beginning reader. The brevity of the sentences makes it easier for a child to stay focused, interested, and not feel overwhelmed.Your student can begin to memorize the poem, and the shapes and letters of the words begin to take on meaning.ʺ (Quelle: Anbieter)


Sekundarstufe I



freie Schlagwörter:

Fall; Poems; Kids; That; Encourage; Fluency; Comprehension




Schule Sprachen und Literatur Englisch Sprache, Sprachliche Fertigkeiten, Kompetenzen Wortschatz, Lexik

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