English songs and activities - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial online bei Elixier

h t t p s : / / s a n d r a h e y e r s o n g s . c o m / l e s s o n - p l a n s - f o r - r e c e n t - h i t s /

You want to bring a hit song into your classroom–but are not sure how to use the song as a teaching tool?  A list of hundreds of classroom-friendly songs, organized by theme, along with links to recommended YouTube videos Song-based activities Lesson plan ideas for songs in two categories: Recent Hits and Classic Hits A Grammar + Songs page with worksheets and songs to pair with specific grammar topics Stories behind the songs, written at the beginning to low-intermediate levels. Some stories are on this site, and some are on the Pearson catalog site (audio only), no registration or password required.  


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Schule Sprachen und Literatur Englisch Musik und Kunst

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