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Ariadne Pfad:


Does School Privatization Improve Educational Achievement? Evidence from Sweden's Voucher Reform

h t t p s : / / d o c s . i z a . o r g / d p 3 6 9 1 . p d fExterner Link

This paper (34 p) evaluates general achievement effects of choice and competition between private and public schools at the nine-year school level by assessing a radical voucher reform that was implemented in Sweden in 1992. Starting from a situation where the public schools essentially were monopolists on all local school markets, the degree of privatization has developed very differently across municipalities over time as a result of this reform. We estimate the impact of an increase in private enrolment on short, medium and long-term educational outcomes of all pupils using within-municipality variation over time, and control for differential pre-reform and concurrent municipality trends. We find that an increase in the private school share moderately improves short-term educational outcomes such as 9th-grade GPA and the fraction of students who choose an academic high school track. However, we do not find any impact on medium or long-term educational outcomes such as high schoo! l GPA, university attainment or years of schooling. We conclude that the first-order short-term effect is too small to yield lasting positive effects.

Fach, Sachgebiet

Schweden, Vergleich, Schulwahl, Privatschule, Voucher, Oeffentliche Schule, Bildungsoekonomie, Emirische Studie,

Bildungsbereich Sekundarstufe I
Ressourcenkategorie Artikel/Aufsatz/Bericht/Thesenpapier
Angaben zum Autor der Ressource / Kontaktmöglichkeit Böhlmark, Anders; Swedish Institute for Social Research; Stockholm University; SE-106 91 Stockholm; E-mail:; Lindahl, Mikael; Uppsala University,
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Sprache Englisch
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Adresse der Bezugsquelle IZA; P.O. Box 7240; 53072 Bonn; Germany
Technische Anforderungen Acrobat Reader
Zuletzt geändert am 23.09.2008

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