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19th Washington International Education Conference​

24.06.2021 - 25.06.2021

The Mayflower Hotel
1127 Connecticut Ave NW
20036 Washington, DC

United States

h t t p s : / / w w w . w a s h c o u n c i l . o r g /Externer Link

The Washington International Education Conference (WIEC) is a two-day conference dedicated to professional development and building connections between higher education institutions and key figures in foreign embassies and sponsoring organizations. You will be escorted to embassies representing key international student markets and hear from key Federal government partners including the Department of Commerce, the Department of State, and the Department of Homeland Security. In addition, you will learn from highly regarded peers and research institutions that are committed to the study and implementation of international student recruitment, inter-university partnerships, and international student services. You will leave WIEC with the newest information on student mobility trends and issues for your office to utilize, while also having the data and practical tips to more effectively manage your international student program.


United States of America, Education, Educational research, Educational policy, University level of education, higher education, International relations, International exchange, Academic studies, Education, students (university),

Type of event conference/ convention/ symposium
Thematic area science/ educational research; educational policy/ educational administration
Target group lecturers/ researchers; educational policy/ administration
Conference language English
Organised by The Washington International Education Council
Last modified 05.02.2021

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