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Encuentro de Cátedras de Pedagogía de Universidades Nacionales

24.11.2015 - 26.11.2015

different universities in Argentina


h t t p s : / / x e n c u e n t r o d e c a t e d r a s d e p e d a g o g i a . w o r d p r e s s . c o m /Externer Link

This website provides information on the "Meeting of Chairs for Pedagogy at National Universities" in Argentina. You will find information on the respective last meeting as well as on the history of these meetings (under the tab "historia") where you can also find links to older meetigns starting from the 7th. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]


Argentina, Pedagogics, Educational research, Academic sector, Communication,

Type of event conference/ convention/ symposium
Thematic area higher education
Target group students (university); lecturers/ researchers; educational policy/ administration
Conference language other
Organised by different universities in Argentina
Last modified 26.07.2016

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