The Old Man and the Sea - Teaching Guide - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial online bei Elixier

h t t p s : / / w w w . p r e s t w i c k h o u s e . c o m / b l o g / p o s t / 2 0 1 8 / 0 9 / h o w - t o - t e a c h - t h e - o l d - m a n - a n d - t h e - s e a

tips and resources ʺHow to Teach The Old Man and the Seaʺ by Rachel Natbony key facts / short summary what students will love about the novella potential struggles with The Old Man and the Sea learning objectives literary elements major themes other resources


Sekundarstufe I



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The; Old; Sea; Teaching; Guide




Schule Sprachen und Literatur Englisch Literatur Autoren

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