Research into Teacher Effectiveness: A Model of Teacher Effectiveness - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial online bei Elixier

h t t p s : / / d e r a . i o e . a c . u k / 4 5 6 6 / 1 / R R 2 1 6 . p d f

“The research commissioned from Hay/McBer by the DfEE was designed to provide a framework describing effective teaching. Its purpose was to help take forward the proposals in the Green Paper Teachers: meeting the challenge of change. We set out to create a vivid description of teacher effectiveness, based on evidence of what effective teachers do in practice at different stages in the profession. This short version of our report sets out our key findings in section 1 and in section 2 the full dictionary of characteristics we identified for effective teaching.“


Hay; McBer

Lange Beschreibung:

“The research commissioned from Hay/McBer by the DfEE was designed to provide a framework describing effective teaching. Its purpose was to help take forward the proposals in the Green Paper Teachers: meeting the challenge of change. We set out to create a vivid description of teacher effectiveness, based on evidence of what effective teachers do in practice at different stages in the profession. This short version of our report sets out our key findings in section 1 and in section 2 the full dictionary of characteristics we identified for effective teaching.“


Primarstufe Sekundarstufe I Sekundarstufe II




Keine Angabe, es gilt die gesetzliche Regelung


Effektivität Eigenschaft Fähigkeit Forschung Lehrer Lehrerrolle Lehrerverhalten Unterricht

freie Schlagwörter:

teacher effectiveness; effective teaching; factor; skill; characteristic; research




Schule Schulwesen allgemein
Schule Schulwesen allgemein Lehrerberuf

Geeignet für:

Lehrer; Schüler