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Ariadne Pfad:


Oxhorn, P.; Jouve-Martín, J. R., 2017: "Inequality and Inclusion in Latin America." Editorial to the Special Issue: Enduring and/or New Forms of Inequality in a Globalizing World. In: Latin American Research Review, 52(2), 203–207. Link

"This special issue seeks to contribute to the ongoing debate on inequality and inclusion in Latin America and beyond, from a contemporary perspective that takes into account the many ramifications and intrinsic complexity of inequality and inclusion, as well their intellectual history.(...) it attempts to capture the complexity of today’s debates around inequality by focusing on both the reality and the perception of inequality in Latin America from a multidisciplinary perspective. In particular, the special issue is an attempt to demonstrate that, however useful they may be in general, cross-national measures of inequality cannot capture important aspects of inequality that require a historical and contextual understanding to fully comprehend the experience of inequality, not to mention contemporary struggles against it." [Abstract: Authors' information]
Release date: 28.09.2020
Update: 28.09.2020

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