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Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: continuing education trainer

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wba (short for "Weiterbildungsakademie Österreich"/Austrian Academy of Continuing Education) is a validation system for the qualification and recognition of adult educators.

Created by diverse organisations of further training, the interuniversitary centre for further training offers to students, trainers, work seekers, private individuals, freelancers and managers certain events and training courses. The proposal is spread from general education topics to language courses, IT and economical offers and varies in its peculiarity.

The Austrian Federal Institute for Adult Education (bifeb) is part of the Ministry of Education, Art and Culture and is dedicated to the principles of lifelong learning and the equal access to education. The close national and international cooperation with affiliate organisations of adult education and other research institutions ensures the professionalisation of continuing [...]

The Lithuanian Association of Adult Education (LAAE), in cooperation with Lithuanian and foreign adult educators and institutions, is gathering individuals and representatives of various organisations for the purpose to promote an approach of life long learning within the society and the development of opportunities for continuing education.

TTnet CR is an informal partnership network of organisations providing training of (i) teachers teaching vocational subjects, practice and training, (ii) in-house company instructors, and (iii) trainers of further vocational/occupational training. TTnet’s mission is to support (the development of) proficiency of those training organisations which train teachers of vocational [...]

The Danish Institute for Educational Training of Vocational Teachers (DEL) is the national TTnet coordinator with the responsibility of fostering and supporting the national network. The network contributes to analysing and disseminating information on training of teachers and trainers in Europe. E.g. in relation to a Danish project on training of trainers, the networks in [...]

United Kingdom
The website provides information about the activities of TTNet in the UK.

The website informs about the TTNet Spain, its activities, about news, events and provides documents.

The Training of Trainers Network – TTnet – is a network of national networks which was set up by Cedefop in 1998 as a Pan-European forum to allow key players and decision-makers in the field of training of teachers and trainers to share practices, knowledge and expertise on key issues in the training and professional development of vocational teachers and trainers. The [...]

The distance learning portal by the French language community in Belgium is open to anyone interested in professional or social qualification. Learners can enrol for the courses that are conceptually designed, pedagogically supervised and co-ordinated by the EAD, which also hands out materials and monitors exams.

SVEB Switzerland is the umbrella organization of adult education and lifelong learning in Switzerland. It is a non governemental organisation, which represents nationwide private and state institutions, associations, representatives responsible for adult education on a cantonal level, institutions, in-house training departments and personnel managers. It also extends its [...]

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