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Education Systems International

Free keyword: Vertreibung displacement

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"The International Data Alliance for Children on the Move (IDAC) is a cross-sectoral global coalition comprised of governments, international and regional organizations, NGOs, think tanks, academics, and civil society. The main objective of IDAC is to improve statistics and data on migrant and forcibly displaced children with the goal to support evidence-based policymaking [...]

The international Refugee Research Network was created by researchers from the Center for Refugee Studies,York University, Canada. The website provides information on research activities, publications, other networks and organisation and more. Among others, the network also hosts the website of the initiative "Borderless Higher Education for Refugees (BHER)". The Refugee [...]

The Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) consists of more than 11,500 individual members and 130 partner organizations in 170 countries. You will find well-known organisations like UNESCO, UNHCR, UNICEF, World Vision or Save the Children among the members. The website provides ample information on activities, projects, on current thematic areas and focus [...]

The UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is a UN Agency supporting the protection and the rights of refugees all over the world. This includes the right to education, among others.The education site of UNHCR provides information on UNHCR's activities in refugee education. This includes programmes and projects, publications (strategies, guidelines, reports and [...]

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