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Education Systems International

Free keyword: Interdisziplinaritaet interdisciplinarity

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The Finnish Educational Research Association is in charge of organising the annual conference of Finnish researchers in education, of the association's publications and of the special interest groups inside the association. The website hence provides information on conferences, the subjects of the special interest groups as well as English abstracts of the articles in the [...]

"The Finnish Society for the History of Education is a science association that was founded in 1935. The society promotes historical research concerning education and training and supports interests in such in Finland. The society publishes the peer-reviewed journal, Kasvatus & Aika (Education & Time), which is published quarterly [under "Julkaisut" in the Finnish version [...]

The Ministry of Education and Culture provides a list of Finnish universities with links to their homepages. If you scroll down in the left menu bar, you can also find a list of university consortia and Universites of Applied Sciences. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

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