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Historical pedagogics at Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: historical pedagogics

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The Education History Network in Sweden aims to facilitate cooperation between representatives of various academic disciplines. The purpose of the website is to provide an overview of Swedish and Nordic educational history research. Contents include educational history conferences, vacancies, projects and publications. The offer is supplemented by thematic pages, which present [...]

The History of Education knowledge portal enables researchers, students, teachers and interested members of the public to carry out discipline-specific and multilingual research on sources and data relating to the history of education research in Switzerland. Various digital sources on the history of education are accessible through a search mask. This site offers an easy way [...]

The working group Historical Educational Research belongs to the Swiss Society for Educational Research (SGBF / SSRE). The aims of the working group are to foster historical research on national as well as international level, and to promote results to a broad public. The website offers information on research, publications and events.

"The Finnish Society for the History of Education is a science association that was founded in 1935. The society promotes historical research concerning education and training and supports interests in such in Finland. The society publishes the peer-reviewed journal, Kasvatus & Aika (Education & Time), which is published quarterly [under "Julkaisut" in the Finnish version [...]

Brazil; international
Website of the Brazilian Society for the History of Education, created in 1999. The website provides information on the history, structure, aims, and annual reports of the society, as well as on the bi-annual conference with many fulltexts of papers presented there; it provides information on publications of the society, on their free e-journal "Revista Brasileira de História [...]

The documentation and research centre Pestalozzi Yverdon was created in 1977. Among its objectives are the promotion of the scientific discussion about the life and work of Pestalozzi, especially in French speaking countries. It possesses a library with works about and from Pestalozzi (e.g. all volumes of the critical edition of his works and letters) as well as works about [...]

The "Institut Jean Jacques Rousseau" in Geneva was founded in 1912 by Edouard Claparède. Attached to the university of Geneva since 1920 it turned into the "Faculté de psychology et des sciences de l´éducation" (FPSE) in 1975. The "Archives Institut J.-J. Rousseau" - founded in 1984 - administers and analyses institute documents and document collections of different [...]

The Jean Piaget Archives are a private foundation by the late Professor Bärbel Inhelder founded in 1974. The Foundation fulfils a function made necessary by the quantitative and qualitative importance of Piaget´s work. Within the University of Geneva, the Foundation collects all the writings of the great psychologist and genetic epistemologist as well as the secondary [...]

The Pestalozzianum Research Library is a traditional research library focusing on history of schooling, history of education and related fields. At the same it is the centre of the Pestalozzi Research and cooperates with domestic and foreign institutions. The Pestalozzi Research Library´s missions are: As complete as possible collection and archiving of history of education [...]

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