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Education Systems International

Country / region: Spain

key words found 1 - 167 of 167

"Since 2000, the Ministry of Education has published a synthesis of educational data in Spain, the "State System of Education Indicators (Sistema Estatal de Indicadores de la Educación)". It offers the results of the main educational statistics both at national level and disaggregated by Autonomous Community, also presenting international data that allow for a comparison at [...]

"Each academic year, the State School Council prepares, approves and publishes the Report on the State of the Education System. It contains the educational development during the academic year and incorporates the proposals for improvement that the Council deems appropriate to send to the educational administrations." You can find reports starting in 2008. [Abstract: Site [...]

"The report "Facts and Figures on the Spanish University System" is a synthesis publication that presents the most relevant data on the Spanish University System, focusing on its structure (organisational and economic), access, students and staff." You can find reports starting in 2005. [Abstract: Site editors' information translated with DeepL and supplemented by editors of [...]

Belgium; Denmark; Germany; France; Greece; Ireland; Iceland; Italy; Canada; Luxemburg; Netherlands; Norway; Austria; Portugal; Sweden; Switzerland; Spain; Turkey; United States of America (USA); United Kingdom; Japan; Finland; Australia; New Zealand; Mexico; Czechia; Hungary; Poland; Slovakia; Chile; Slovenia; Israel; Estonia; Latvia; Lithuania; Colombia; Costa Rica; Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
This page of the OECD contains current studies and analyses on issues relating to the integration of people with a migration background and refugees in the OECD countries. The topics include language training, recognition of educational qualifications, digital and social participation.

Central America; Latin America; South America; Spain
"Riberdis (Repositorio IBERoamericano sobre DIScapacidad) is an Iberian-American repository for literature on disability. It summarizes and disseminates the scientific production generated in Latin America and Spain on subjects related to disability, in a digital format and in free access. Riberdis is managed by the Spanish Centre for Disability Documentation (CEDD), [...]

Central America; Latin America; South America; Spain
Very rich website of the "Ibero-American Intergovernmental Cooperation Network for the Education of People with Special Educational Needs (RIINEE)". RIINEE was created in December 2004 on the occasion of the "1st Meeting on Educational Cooperation with Ibero-America on Special Education and Educational Inclusion" in Madrid. For all meetings that have taken place annually since [...]

Europe; Germany; Italy; France; Spain; Sweden; Portugal; Netherlands; Finland; United Kingdom; Ireland; Denmark; Belgium
The network YERUN was founded in 2014 and has 18 member Universities in Europe. The criterion for membership was that the universities are not older than 50 years. They cooperate in the sector of education, EU policy, graduate employability and research. In 2018, seven member universities came together to form YUFE – Young Universities for the Future of Europe". YUFE wants [...]

Article by the German radio broadcast Deutsche Welle on the question of how identity and language ae related to education and school in Catalonia. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Article in the online magazine Times Higher Education about the possible consequences of Catalan independence on higher education. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Statistical data on education, provided by the Statistical Institute of Catalonia. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Article in the online magazine The Atlantic on the relation between education, language and national identity in Catalonia. The article contains many links to other sources (media, science, statistics). [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

The article was published on 22.04.2014 on the blog "Euro Crisis in the Press" which is run by the London School of Economics and Political Science. The authors argue that in their opinion the current language policy in Catalan schools is unfair as Spanish-Castilian speaking students were disadvantaged by the almost exclusive use of the Catalan language. The blog article also [...]

The Spanish Ministry for Education has requested a 'detailed report' on the content of the textbooks used in Catalonia. The analyse was carried out by the Catalan teacher organisation “Action for Secondary Education Improvement” (AMES) (Acció per a la Millora de l'Ensenyament Secundari). They concluded that the books emphasize the differences between Catalan and other [...]

The online magazine Catalan News informs about a statement of the former Catalan Education Minister Clara Ponsatí. Ponsatí, like the rest of the Catalan government, was dismissed by the Spanish central government after the severe conflicts concerning the Catalan independence movement. Ponsatí and several other former members of the Catalan government went to Brussels out of [...]

When it comes to identity and national feelings, the issue of education is never far away. The online magazine Catalan News discusses accusations of “indoctrinating” children made by some objectors to the independence movement in Catalonia. Catalan News provides news from and about the region of Catalonia in English and for an international readership. It is part of [...]

Website of the Catalan Education Ministry. Unfortunately, this website is only available in Catalan. To get an idea of the site's content, you can have a look at the English thematical pages of the Government of Catalonia ("Generalitat de Catalunya"): "Education and training" and "Universities". The links on the "Education and training" page mostly lead to content in Catalan [...]

The online magazine Catalan News provides news from and about the region of Catalonia in English and for an international readership. We link to articles tagged with "education". Catalan News is part of the "Agència Catalana de Notícies, ACN", the Catalan press agency, which is majority-owned by the Catalan government. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

This OECD report analyses the role of Catalan universities in supporting social, economic and cultural development in the region of Catalonia. The website provides the full report, an executive summary as well as many more informations and links on higher education in Catalonia. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

From November 2016 to May 2017, the "Generalitat de Catalunya" (government of the autonomous region of Catalonia) invited researchers to publish 6 papers on the "Future of Education in Catalonia". These papers were discussed online and in face-to-face workshops. They are also available in an English version: * The Pillars of the Education System * The Architecture of [...]

Spain; international
Debats d'educació (~ debates on education) is a discussion forum on educational issues with the aim of improving education in Catalonia. The speakers come from Catalonia and abroad, they address the public in general. The website provides videos, audios and text based documents. Videos and audios on education in Catalonia tend to be in Catalan. Still, you will find a small [...]

A SlideShare presentation on the educational system of Catalonia by the Department of Education of the "Generalitat de Catalunya" (government of the autonomous region of Catalonia). The statistical data used in this presentation are taken from the years 2005-2006. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Argentina; Latin America; Spain; Portugal
The "Iberoamerican Network for Research on School Change and Efficiency" RINACE unites national networks with the same focus in Latin America, Portugal and Spain. Its website provides information on RINACE's organisation, on the members of the national networks, on activities, research, three fulltext journals (Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en [...]

Europe; Austria; Belgium; Finland; Germany; Netherlands; Norway; Spain; Sweden; United Kingdom
An overview of national and regional strategies in the given countries concerning the use of e-learning in prisons, published within the framework of the LICOS project (Learning Infrastructures for Correctional Services), funded by the EU.

Belgium; Denmark; Germany; France; Greece; Ireland; Iceland; Italy; Canada; Luxemburg; Netherlands; Norway; Austria; Portugal; Sweden; Switzerland; Spain; Turkey; United States of America (USA); United Kingdom; Japan; Finland; Australia; New Zealand; Mexico; Czechia; Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Hungary; Poland; Slovakia; Chile; Slovenia; Israel; Estonia
This OECD-website lists international websites related to child well-being research. It differentiates between international organisations, european organisations, non-profit-organisations international research projects, ministries, governmental facilities, statistics agencies and universities.

Albania; Andorra; Armenia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Georgia; Germany; Greece; Vatican City; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Italy; Kazakhstan; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxemburg; Malta; Moldova, Republic of; Montenegro; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russian Federation; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; North Macedonia; Turkey; Ukraine; United Kingdom; England; Northern Ireland; Scotland; Wales
This website is run by the "European Higher Education Area" and provides national reports on the status of the Bologna Process since 2003 from about 50 European countries. You can find the latest report at the top of the page of each member country. Older reports can be found at the bottom of the page in the menu bar on the right (under "related documents").[Abstract: Editors [...]

Europe; France; Germany; Hungary; Italy; Netherlands; Poland; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; United Kingdom
 was made 
INTMEAS‐consortium in
Member [...]

international; Switzerland; Canada; Spain; Italy; France
LISIS is a francophone international research group working on inclusion in schools. It was established by Haute Ecole Pédagogique Vaud (Switzerland) and Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) (Canada). Researcher from France, Spain and Italy are also participating in LISIS. Their website provides information on their research foci and research groups, on [...]

international; Spain
MOSSA is a Spanish research group for ethnography of educational processes and for applied ethnology in education. This group works under the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and is part of an ethnological research group called GRAFO. Unfortunately their page provides only few information. See the website of GRAFO for further details like research methods etc. [Abstract: [...]

Portugal; Spain; Germany; France; Belgium; Ireland; Italy; Norway; Switzerland; Australia; Mexico; Morocco; Brazil; Europe; international
SEEE (European Society for Ethnography of Education) is almost non-existent on the web. However, this article by the president of the society outlines the creation, the objectives and held conferences and informs about their Revue de la Société Européenne d'Ethnographie de l'Education (REEE). SEEE also uses a mailing list called ETNOEDU. The article appeared in: [...]

Brazil; Latin America; Spain; Portugal
The Brazilian PISA Study is coordinated and conducted by the Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (INEP). On its website, INEP provides information on PISA in general, Brazilian PISA studies since the year 2000, on the Ibero-American PISA group and its joint report in 2006, the issues of the OECD publication "PISA in focus" in Portuguese, and [...]

Europe; Austria; Belgium; Bulgaria; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Finland; France; Germany; Ireland; Italy; Lithuania; Malta; Norway; Poland; Romania; Slovenia; Spain; United Kingdom
The main aims of the Network are: to promote Intergenerational Learning (IGL) by bringing together practitioners throughout Europe; to facilitate the exchange of ideas, expertise and effective practice by establishing channels of communication; to create support structures for influencing policy through research, dissemination and advocacy.

Latin America; Spain; Portugal
FICOMUNDYT brings together Spanish and Portugueses speaking countries and researchers interested in giftedness. The website offers information on the organisation and a small bibliography of literature in Spanish and Portuguese. FICOMUNDYT also organises the Congreso Iberoamericano de Superdotación, Talento y Creatividad. Unfortunately, their newsletter is only available to [...]

international; Latin America; Chile; Europe; Spain; United Kingdom; Brazil; United Kingdom; Netherlands
temoa was a project run by the Center for Innovation in Technology and Education (Innov@TE) at the University Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico. In July 2015, an article was published about the project. The website offers OER-Resources from institutions worldwide, with a focus on resources from Spain, but also other European countries, not so much Latin American countries. You [...]

Latin America; Caribbean; Argentina; Bolivia; Chile; Brazil; Colombia; Costa Rica; Cuba; Ecuador; El Salvador; Guatemala; Haiti; Honduras; Mexico; Nicaragua; Panama; Paraguay; Peru; Puerto Rico; Dominican Republic; Uruguay; Venezuela; Spain; Portugal; United States of America (USA); Germany; Caribbean
The Network of Virtual Libraries of Social Sciences of Latin-America and the Caribbean (CLASCO) has the objectives to promote and to facilitate the access to research results of the member centres of CLASCO. For this purpose, CLASCO has created a virtual library which grants free access to the different contents. CLASCO was founded by the libraries of the members of the [...]

Austria; Bulgaria; Croatia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Hungary; Ireland; Italy; Latvia; Lithuania; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey; Europe; Czechia; Russian Federation
The website provides short reports in English about the situation of Adult Education and Lifelong Learning for each of the member countries of the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA). The reports are structured as follows: Introduction Overview Politics and Law Future trends/key concerns/directions Structure overview Key Providers/Main [...]

Latin America; Argentina; Bolivia; Brazil; Colombia; Costa Rica; Cuba; Chile; Ecuador; El Salvador; Guatemala; Honduras; Mexico; Nicaragua; Panama; Paraguay; Peru; Dominican Republic; Uruguay; Venezuela; Spain
The Latin-American Network of Educational Portals (RELPE) was founded in August 2004 in an agreement of the ministers of education of 16 Latin-American countries. Those countries constitute RELPE with their respective autonomous, national, public and free portals. The principles of RELPE are that every country maintains its own portal in accordance with the education project [...]

Spain; international
In accordance with the 2007 amendment of the Universities Act, in October 2008 the Council of Ministers authorized the creation of, the Foundation for the International Promotion of Spanish Universities. is a public sector foundation that aims to promote the Spanish university system throughout the world. The foundation was set up by the Spanish [...]

Spain; Latin America
The Cervantes Institute is a public institution which was founded in 1991 by the promotion of Spanish teaching and language and for t he diffusion of Spanish and Latin-American culture. It is located in Madrid, Spain and in Alcalá de Henares, Spain, the birth place of Miguel de Cervantes. The centres of the institute are located in all five continents. The tasks and functions [...]

The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) is a public institution dedicated to research in Spain. Belonging to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the Secretary of State for Research, its main objective is to develop and promote research that will help bring about scientific and technological progress, and it is prepared to collaborate with Spanish and [...]

Latin America; Chile; Argentina; Mexico; Spain; Portugal
The Latin-American Virtual Campus (CAVILA) is the establishment of a virtual space of higher education with the necessary teacher quality and research, to attain the common use of the scientific-technical asquisitions of each member university.

The ministry of education offers statistics on non-university and university education.

The Spanish Inter-university Association of Pedagocical Research carries out conferences and expert meetings, publishes the journal `Revista Investigación Educativa` and, electronically under, works about research and education evaluation.

The Spanish Society of Pedagogy (SEP) is a non-profit scientific and professional organisation, which is open to all who are interested in education and its amelioration. With the foundation of its journal `Bordón` and the organisation of classes and seminars, it wanted to create a certain ambiance of a pedagogical discussion, which should effect changes in the education [...]

Spain; Germany
ASET (ASOCIACIÓN HISPANO-ALEMANA DE ENSEÑANZAS TÉCNICAS)is a non-profit school association and forms in Madrid together with multinational enterprises (mostly affiliates of german concerns). The bilingual formation is acknowledged in Germany and is promoted by the state. It gives the opportunity to be successfully employd in at least both countries. There are formations for [...]

Spain; Côte d'Ivoire
On the homepage of the Cybermetrics Lab, a research group belonging to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), universities from all over the world are compared in regard to their world wide web presence. Furthermore, there are lists of the universities of the individual countries. All 4 universities in Cote d'Ivoire are enlisted, including URLs.

The Fédération espagnole d'associations de professeurs de français (FEAPF) brings together the associations of teachers of French throughout Spain at every educational level. It coordinates the associations nationally and ensures their representation on the international stage. Its work is structured along three lines: educational politics, training and the dissemination [...]

Yemen; Sudan; Suriname; Zambia; Eswatini; Eswatini; Zimbabwe; Sweden; Switzerland; Syria; Taiwan; Tajikistan; Tanzania; Thailand; Togo; Tonga; Trinidad and Tobago; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Samoa; San Marino; Sao Tome and Principe; Tunisia; Saudi Arabia; Turkey; Senegal; Turkmenistan; Turks and Caicos Islands; Tuvalu; Serbia; Seychelles; Uganda; Sierre Leone; Ukraine; Singapore; United Arab Emirates; Slovakia; United Kingdom; Slovenia; Solomon Islands; United States of America (USA); Somalia; Uruguay; Virgin Islands of the United States; South Africa, Republic; Uzbekistan; Vanuatu; Vatican City; Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Venezuela; Spain; Vietnam; Western Sahara; Sri Lanka; Caribbean
The site of the US American Directory of State Universities offers an online encyclopedia on education. The chapter "Global Education References" delivers statistical data and texts on education systems in different countries.

The website informs about the TTNet Spain, its activities, about news, events and provides documents.

The web page of the European School Alicante informs about the organisation and management of the school. You find detailed information about the activities, projects and regulations of the Kindergarten, primary and secondary school sections.

South America; Spain; Portugal; Central America
The web page informs about the Ibero-American Red of UNESCO Associated Schools. It supplies information about the aims and projects of the schools and the network. You can find a discussion forum, a chat and a directory of the member schools as well as information about participating countries and further networks. This project is coordinated by the Mexican National [...]

The blog presents itself as discussion forum for Spanish UNESCO associated school and intends to inform about activities, news or projects of the national and international ASP network.

Spain; United States of America (USA)
Foundation for the Future, working in association with Center for Cultural Interchange in Chicago, IL, matches Spanish schools with American schools for an educational partnership designed to foster international friendships and bring classroom curricula to life.

The country report on Spain refers to the specific region of Catalonia as the education system is decentralised: apart from providing references to general curricula, it outlines successful internet platforms for teachers (communication, exchange of digital resources) and strategies and objectives, which are put into practice by the autonomous schools in their respective areas [...]

Europe; Austria; Belgium; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Hungary; Ireland; Israel; Lithuania; Malta; Norway; Portugal; Spain; Switzerland; Turkey
Insight, the web knowledge base for using information and communication technology at schools, offers this search option for country reports, accessible as full texts or summaries of varying dates. These country reports focus on the implementation of ICT at schools, the role of ICT in the curriculum, assessment of ICT competencies, provision of ICT resources and evaluation of [...]

Europe; Germany; France; Netherlands; Belgium; Austria; Finland; Greece; Denmark; Ireland; Iceland; Israel; Italy; Lithuania; Malta; Czechia; Sweden; Switzerland; Spain; Hungary; United Kingdom; Cyprus, Republic of; Estonia; Georgia; Latvia; Luxemburg; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Slovenia; Spain; Turkey
Founded in 1997, European Schoolnet is the network of 31 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels. Its main goal is to support the use of and training in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) at school and in education. It therefore provides various country intersectional projects and initiatives of ICT-based learning and teaching methods and promotes [...]

international; Australia; Canada; England; France; Germany; Hungary; Ireland; Italy; Japan; Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Netherlands; New Zealand; Northern Ireland; Scotland; Singapore; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; South Africa, Republic; United States of America (USA); Wales; United Kingdom
INCA (1996-2013) provided descriptions of government policy on education in Australia, Canada, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the USA and Wales. It focuses on curriculum, assessment and initial teacher training frameworks for pre-school, primary, [...]

Europe; international; Albania; Andorra; Belarus; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Georgia; Greece; Ireland; Iceland; Italy; Kosovo; Croatia; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxemburg; Malta; North Macedonia; Moldova, Republic of; Monaco; Montenegro; Netherlands; Norway; Austria; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russian Federation; San Marino; Sweden; Switzerland; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Czechia; Turkey; Ukraine; Hungary; Vatican City; United Kingdom; Cyprus, Republic of
Currently country informations for applicants to study abroad in a European country are only available in German. In order to get this service you have to choose a specific country. At the country page you will find the address of the regional bureau of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), cultural and educational information, a link list as well as information about [...]

Europe; international; Albania; Andorra; Austria; Belarus; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Croatia; Bulgaria; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Faroe Islands; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Greenland; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Italy; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxemburg; North Macedonia; Moldova, Republic of; Monaco; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; San Marino; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Russian Federation; Ukraine; United Kingdom; Vatican City; Turkey; Malta
This web site is a resource of the Center for Global Education. The site provides web links to colleges and universities in Europe. Along with links to the home language home pages, the site also provides direct links to an English Language Home Page and the Website of the International Relations Office. Through connection to resources like the International Association of [...]

Asia; Europe; Austria; Denmark; Germany; Greece; Italy; Indonesia; Netherlands; Spain; Czechia; Philippines; Thailand; Vietnam; Malaysia; Russian Federation; Pakistan; Myanmar; Slovakia
The organisation is a network of European and Asian universities, which was founded in 1994 in order to co-ordinate science, research and university teaching in the areas of science and technology, health, humanities (culture, music) and economics. The website informs about objectives, links to member universities, and poceedings. Only universities can become members. [...]

This page provides information on the eco-school movement in Spain. Currently more than 11,000 schools in 34 countries (31 of these are European) are participating in the International Eco-Schools Programme promoted by the Foundation for Environmental Education ( F.E.E.) with support of the European Commission. Eco-Schools complete the Seven Steps of the programme getting an [...]

international; Afghanistan; Albania; Algeria; Andorra; Angola; Antigua and Barbuda; Argentina; Armenia; Australia; Azerbaijan; Bahamas; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belarus; Belgium; Belize; Benin; Bhutan; Bolivia; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Botswana; Brazil; Brunei Darussalam; Bulgaria; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Cambodia; Cameroon; Canada; Cape Verde; Central African Republic; Chad; Chile; China, People's Republic of; Colombia; Comoros; Congo, Republic of the (Congo-Brazzaville); Congo, Democratic Republic of the (Congo-Kinshasa); Costa Rica; Côte d'Ivoire; Croatia; Cuba; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Djibouti; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Egypt; El Salvador; Equatorial Guinea; Eritrea; Estonia; Ethiopia; Fiji; Finland; France; Gabon; Gambia; Georgia; Germany; Ghana; Greece; Grenada; Guatemala; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Guyana; Haiti; Honduras; Hong Kong; Hungary; Iceland; India; Indonesia; Iran; Iraq; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Jamaica; Japan; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Kenya; Kiribati; Korea, Democratic People's Republic (North Korea); Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Kuwait; Kyrgyzstan; Laos; Latvia; Lebanon; Lesotho; Liberia; Libya; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxemburg; North Macedonia; Madagascar; Malawi; Malaysia; Maldives; Mali; Malta; Marshall Islands; Mauritania; Mauritius; Mexico; Mexico; Micronesia; Moldova, Republic of; Monaco; Mongolia; Morocco; Mozambique; Montenegro; Myanmar; Namibia; Nauru; Nepal; Netherlands; New Zealand; Nicaragua; Niger; Nigeria; Norway; Palestinian Territories; Oman; Pakistan; Palau; Panama; Papua New Guinea; Paraguay; Peru; Philippines; Poland; Portugal; Qatar; Romania; Russian Federation; Rwanda; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Samoa; San Marino; Sao Tome and Principe; Saudi Arabia; Senegal; Serbia; Seychelles; Sierre Leone; Singapore; Slovakia; Slovenia; Solomon Islands; Somalia; South Africa, Republic; Spain; Sri Lanka; Sudan; Suriname; Eswatini; Eswatini; Sweden; Switzerland; Syria; Tajikistan; Tanzania; Thailand; Timor-Leste; Togo; Tonga; Trinidad and Tobago; Tunisia; Turkey; Turkmenistan; Tuvalu; Uganda; Ukraine; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; United States of America (USA); Uruguay; Uzbekistan; Vanuatu; Venezuela; Vietnam; Yemen; Zambia; Zimbabwe
This page provides a country list with fact sheets on the Human Development Index (HDI). The index focuses on three measurable dimensions of human development: health, education and standard of living. The fact sheets are enriched by statistical comparable data on life expectancy, school enrolment, literacy, illiteracy rate, income and promotion of women and thereby allows a [...]

This full text provides information on the role of comprehensive school in the school system of Spain. It is to enable a comparison with the situation and the perspective of comprehensive school in other European countries. The presentation is supplemented by statements on educational policy and the development of the national education system.

Latin America; Spain
RISEU is a network of researchers on higher education from Latin America and Spain. Its main objective is to support the study of higher education, to constitute a space of academic dialogue, and to develop documentary resources. The website offers links to national research institutions on the same topic, to articles (fulltext), to some statistics, to conferences and [...]

This short overview was written in 2004 as a seminar paper for a course about education systems by international comparison (University Karlsruhe, Germany). Structure, organization and levels/areas of the education system are presented in the context of historical and educational developments in this country. The overview also provides brief information on legal bases and [...]

This web site of the Education Ministry provides answers to all questions of higher education, from higher education law, study courses, admission, research to evaluation and quality control.

This text provides answers to all questions concerning vocational education in Spain.

This web site provides the text of the higher education reform law from 2001.

This organisation intends to promote conscience of the problems of gifted children, create structural conditions for the best development of the talents of gifted children and to help and advice parents of these children. The website describes objectives and activities.

international; Albania; Andorra; Armenia; Australia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Belarus; Belgium; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Canada; Croatia; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; North Macedonia; Georgia; Germany; Greece; Vatican City; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Lithuania; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Luxemburg; Malta; Monaco; Montenegro; Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russian Federation; San Marino; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Moldova, Republic of; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey; Ukraine; United Kingdom; United States of America (USA); Europe
The European gateway to recognition of academic and professional qualifications offers national profiles according to the following structure: National Information Centres, National education bodies, System of education, University education, Quality assurance, Post-secondary non-university education, Recognized higher education institutions, Policies and procedures for the [...]

The Centre's mission is to arouse and support environmental conscience in the Spanish population; it offers a variety of educational programmes, publications, expositions and didactical resources. These service activities are shortly described on the homepage and linked to more detailed information texts. Among others there is a documentation centre, a database for [...]

"The Youth Institute is a public body, attached to the Ministry of Youth and Children, whose main activity is aimed at promoting actions for the benefit of young people." The themes adressed by the institute are: Erasmus+ Youth Program, European Programs, Participation and Volunteering, Mobility and Leisure, Young Creation, Employment and training, Coexistence and Health. [...]

This web site wants to meet the need for a comprehensive, free, and impartial source of information online for students from other countries planning to study in Spain and of Spaniards wishing to study abroad - so this primary source of information on line in students' search for international study opportunities was created. Additionally, the following services are provided: [...]

Santillana is a Spanish publisher that provides various instructional aids, games, instructional information, information texts and other resources for teachers, parents and pupils.

The services of this Centre are information, documentation and publication in the field of special education. An information centre, a library, an information bulletin and other special publications are provided. The web site presents information about the services and has a search form for a search with costs in the databases of the Centre.

The web site of the "Education Ministry" of the province of Cantabria is divided into three parts: "Educación" provides general information about the school, higher and professional education sectors of the Cantabrian educational system; "Juventud" offers information for young people, e.g. a contest of youth fashion and the part of the Consejo Escolar describes the tasks and [...]

This web site provides information about the study courses, degrees and admission requirements of the virtual university. The programmes are obviously in nearly all fields except medical science and provide postgraduate and master degrees.

This web site provides access to many pdf-files with the text of the Spanish Law on Quality in Education, its draft, its implementing ordinances, special regulations and debates about it. There is also a space for expressions of opinions of the public. The text of the law has the URL:

This web site contains the text of the most important Spanish education reform law of the 1990s.

This web site provides links to the entire text of the new university law ( 2001), its drafts and some Royal Decrees about study organization and degrees. The text of the law has the following URL: ley_universidades.pdf (26 pages pdf-file).

This distance study institution provides master- and postgraduate courses in the fields of management, business studies and industrial management. The web site gives information about courses and programs, admission and the administrative structure of the university.

This link list works with a map of Spain where die universities of the respective regions (provinces) unit are indicated; private and church institutions are marked.

The main objective of this administrative body is to promote and evaluate quality in higher education in Catalonia, based on the resp. law. Other objectives are assessment, accreditation and certification of study programmes and of academic degrees and evaluation of the teaching staff. The web site provides details concerning these tasks, links to publications (among others [...]

This web site provides an instrument for searching Spanish doctoral theses. These are equipped with the bibliographical entries and keywords / abstracts. Entering the keyword "pedagogia", in Jan 2004 resulted in 2799 titles.

The Council's members are the persons responsible for higher education in the regional governments, the heads of the universities and 21 representatives of the society. It executes various functions of higher education policy, e.g. creation and accreditation of universities, planning of study programs and diplomas, regulation of admission etc. The homepage has navigation [...]

This agency's task is to improve the quality of the tertiary system by making public its performance through evaluation and other measures leading to certification and accreditation. The web site shows a navigation point "programas" which provides information about the five tasks: institutional evaluation, certification, accreditation, evaluation ot the professorate and [...]

The main objective of the Institute of Youth (INJUVE) is to promote cultural communication between youth associations, develop and co- ordinate an information and documentation system, maintain international relations and co-operation in matters related to youth and promote youth exchanges at national and international level. The web site provides information about these and [...]

This web site provides the texts of legal prescriptions which were promulgated in order to improve the quality of tertiary education. Texts of the results of respective evaluations are also offered.

This commission registers ans evaluates the research activities of university professors and other scientists regularly in a six-year period. The web site provides information about members, legal bases and the formal evaluation procedure and evaluation criteria. Educational research can be found in the seventh discipline "ciencias sociales..." on the homepage.

This web site provides information about higher education laws and prescriptions. It is arranged in 1) legislation conerning the students ( admission, scholarships, various degrees), 2) legislation concerning the higher education institutions themselves ( mainly administration) and 3) legislation for the teaching staff. There is also a link to the resp. database LEDA [...]

This web site provides access to the texts of legal prescriptions concerning international mobility of higher education staff and researchers (also post-graduate students).

The Spanish educational inspection was created in order to guarantee a common management and administration of the education system and education policy in the State and the "Autonomous Communities" - the competencies and rights of these are laid down in the Constitution from 1978. The Inspectorate ensures that educational law with all prescriptions and contents is executed in [...]

Unfortunately, the web site of this "School Council" doesn't provide any description of its tasks. The links on the homepage give access to texts about the organizational structure of the Council and its legal bases (which obviously define the Council's participation in the formulation of education policy in the country). The link "informes" provides annual reports of the [...]

The homepage of the Institute for Innovation and Development of Distance Education gives access to texts about the study material offered, to distance courses for professors who are beginners in teaching in distance studies and for teachers in primary, secondary and adult education.

This web site provides access to a wide range of resources in the field of education and culture. Among others there is a centre for virtual learning. The links Webs de Centros and CC.AA. lead to the education services of the autonomous regions.

This web site provides online-courses in Language and Literature, Mathematics, Physiks and Chemistry, Biology and Geology, Geography and History, English.

This web site provides access to online-curricular material for secondary education. Available subjects are natural and social sciences, ethic, languages, math, music and technology.

This website provides links covering the core tasks of the Centre: a search engine for websites of Spanish schools ( searchable via a map) , a list of curricular materials which are certified each year by the Ministry, the online Journal "Red Digital" covering the theme "information and communication technology in education", the international co-operation of Spain in this [...]

This is the initial page for information about the Spanish education system with a graphical representation of the system and links to its sub-systems.

This web site shows a graph of the development of education acts since 1970 and provides links to the texts of the respective laws.

This web site offers an introductory text about the two educational levels, including a timetable, and a link to search engines which enable searches for preschool and primary institutions in each province.

This web site provides an introductory information text about the secondary education system and its structure and curricular contents, a list of all legislative documents concerning secondary education and a link to a search engine with which individual schools can be searched.

This web site provides an extensive information text about the final examination of the secondary school, e.g. the various forms and grades of the examination (professional, technical etc.), the curriculum contents, the execution and legal prescriptions. Via a search engine one can search individual secondary schools.

This database enables to search the texts of all educational laws and prescriptions which the Federal State or the provinces have promulgated.

This online-journal is edited by the Education Ministry and reports on the current developments in Spanish education policy. Further columns are: opinions, experiences, publications of books and resources, services like the texts of educational legislation and a job market. The numeral in the URL (here 725) indicates the issue number - the menu point "Otros numeros" provides [...]

The homepage of this portal shows the following areas: a) educational centres of all levels and contents (universities, colleges, adult education etc.); b) courses and masters; c) associations of educational personnel; d) educational resources (curriculum material, libraries etc.); e) official bulletins; f) instructional software for all curriculum subjects; g) interchange of [...]

The two menue boxes on the homepage give access to information about die main fields of work of the institute and detailed information about study and postgraduate courses.

This search engine finds bibliographical data, resources and persons / groups in the areas of peace education intercultural education and development education.

This website allows to search a distinct school in Spain, either geographically via a map or according to levels or curriculum subjects.

The Conference of the Spanish University Principals in this website provides information about its mission and organization (commissions for many special agenda, e.g. student orientation), its political actions, the developments concerning the Higher Education Administration Law (LOU), international cooperation and statistical sources. Furthermore, there is a link list of all [...]

This is the website of a Catalonian project concerning computers in musical education. The English homepage offers the following texts: a tutorial about using computers in musical education; lesson plans belonging to this curriculum subject; internet resources about computers in musical education; the database TERLEDMUS with European popular songs and a multimedia dictionary [...]

This abundant website addresses all persons working as educators - the thematic area is the use of Internet for educational purposes. The homepage provides the following sub-groups: (official) information texts for teachers; resources, i.e. link lists concerning educational software, curriculum materials for curriculum subjects and extra- curricular applications; forums for [...]

The Centre of Educational Information and Communication (formerly PNTIC) provides this searchable database, which shall serve teachers to learn how to use information and communication technology in their classrooms. The homepage shows links to texts of teaching aids and information material to be used in distant study.

The homepage provides link lists and addresses of all educational institutions in the school, higher education, professional training (colleges for specific professions) and adult education sector which accept international students. Especially, language schools are listed. Furthermore, there is a link "country resources" with general information about the country.

Germany; Spain
This is a Spanish text about the public reactions in Germany concerning the German results in the PISA-study; partly compared with Spain.

international; Spain
This pdf-file is (160 pp.) the Spanish version of the introducing OECD text about PISA, including all tests and assessment items which was published at the beginning of the project.

This text by Guillermo Gil Escudero only describes, basic characteristics, planning and implementation, structure and organization of the Spanish PISA study, but doesn't present the national results.

This is a listing of Portals and Websites that provide links to resources relating to education for Spain, selected by subject experts of Library of Congress in 2001. One of these links at the country-specific homepage refers to "education" which is rather comprehensive.

Beside actualities and conference calendar (see "agenda") the Catalonian educational net provides texts, information and curricular materials concerning these areas: 1) Escola Oberta: curricular materials and teaching aids for several subjects, 2) Formació professorat: teacher training, 3) Serveis educatius: Service and documentation centres for schools ands teachers, 4) Link [...]

The National Statistical Institute offers a large collection of data on the following topics: university education, transition to the labour market, adult education, education expenditure, pre-university education, information technology in education.

Online catalogue of the library of the Spanish Education Ministry; a simple bibliographical search tool is offered. With "materias" one can entry content index words

Europe; Austria; Belgium; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Italy; Latvia; Lithuania; Luxemburg; Malta; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; United Kingdom; England; Scotland; Wales
The European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education provides national overviews of special needs education in numerous European countries. The information includes the following topics: legal system, financing, identification of special educational needs, special needs education within the education system, teacher training, - basic and specialist teacher training, [...]

Spain; Latin America; United States of America (USA); Puerto Rico; Caribbean
Today (stand: March 2012), the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) represents more than 300 colleges and universities committed to Hispanic higher education success in the U.S., Puerto Rico, Latin America and Spain. Its mission is to promote the development of member colleges and universities and to improve access to and the quality of post-secondary [...]

This website refers to nine databases on the following categories: Educational Journals; Education in the Press; Culture; Educational Legislation; Guide to enterprises and organizations in the education sector; children's and youth literature; professional books and curricular materials; Didactical CD-ROM; Didactical videos. These databases contain 70.000 records covering the [...]

Egypt; Ethiopia; Algeria; Angola; Argentina; Australia; Bahamas; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belarus; Belgium; Belize; Benin; Bhutan; Botswana; Brazil; Bulgaria; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Chile; China, People's Republic of; Costa Rica; Denmark; Germany; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Eritrea; Estonia; Finland; France; Gabon; Gambia; Ghana; Guatemala; Grenada; Greece; Guinea; Guyana; Haiti; India; Indonesia; Iraq; Iran; Israel; Italy; Jamaica; Japan; Yemen; Jordan; Cambodia; Cameroon; Canada; Kazakhstan; Qatar; Kenya; Colombia; Congo, Republic of the (Congo-Brazzaville); Congo, Democratic Republic of the (Congo-Kinshasa); Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Croatia; Cuba; Kuwait; Laos; Lesotho; Latvia; Lebanon; Libya; Lithuania; Luxemburg; Madagascar; Maldives; Malawi; Malaysia; Mali; Malta; Morocco; Mauritania; North Macedonia; Mexico; Mongolia; Montenegro; Mozambique; Myanmar; Namibia; Nepal; New Zealand; Nicaragua; Netherlands; Niger; Nigeria; Norway; Oman; Austria; Pakistan; Paraguay; Peru; Philippines; Poland; Portugal; Rwanda; Romania; Russian Federation; Zambia; Saudi Arabia; Sweden; Switzerland; Senegal; Serbia; Zimbabwe; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sri Lanka; Saint Lucia; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Sudan; South Africa, Republic; Suriname; Syria; Eswatini; Eswatini; Tanzania; Thailand; Togo; Trinidad and Tobago; Chad; Czechia; Turkey; Tunisia; Ukraine; Hungary; Uruguay; Uzbekistan; Vanuatu; Venezuela; United Arab Emirates; United Kingdom; Vietnam; Central African Republic; Cyprus, Republic of; international
The International Bureau of Education der UNESCO (IBE) provides country dossiers focussed on education. They provide information on statistics (from the World Data on Education – WDE), national education reports, documents from educational policy, planning and administration, bibliographies (partly with fulltext documents) as well as links to futther resources. [Abstract: [...]

This brief presentation of the education system in Spain was taken from the "Wörterbuch der Pädagogik" (Dictionary of Pedagogy/ Edition 2000) by kind permission of the publishers Taschenbuch Verlag. After providing general information on the country an overview on the education system is given referring to the following areas: educational administration, pre-school [...]

Living with children - information about the world of childhood. This is the motto of this website which provides information for parents and children on issues of family education: responsibility of parents, school attendance, travelling with children, leisure time, events, club, rights of children and much more.

international; Asia; North America; South America; Central America; Africa; Europe; Japan; Indonesia; India; Hong Kong; Morocco; Tunisia; Sudan; South Africa, Republic; Mozambique; Kenya; Egypt; Algeria; Puerto Rico; Panama; Mexico; Guatemala; El Salvador; Canada; Venezuela; Peru; Ecuador; Colombia; Chile; Brazil; Bolivia; Argentina; Ukraine; Serbia; Switzerland; Sweden; Spain; Russian Federation; Romania; Portugal; Poland; Netherlands; North Macedonia; Lithuania; Kyrgyzstan; Italy; Hungary; Greece; Germany; France; Finland; Denmark; Czechia; Bulgaria; Belgium; Austria; Yemen; Vietnam; United Arab Emirates; Turkey; Thailand; Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Singapore; Philippines; Pakistan; Oman; Nepal; Mongolia; Malaysia; Laos; Jordan; Israel; Iran; China, People's Republic of; Taiwan; Channel Islands; Caribbean; United States of America (USA); United Kingdom
TEFL stands for "Teaching English as a Foreign Language". This website offers information on the situation of teaching English in various countries.

The link "indice" provides full texts (pdf-files) about all levels and types of education in the country: socio-political background (policy, economy, state, administration, legislation, linguistic situation); history of education; legal basis and structure of the education system; educational administration and allocation of competencies; financing of education; initial [...]

Latin America; Spain
This network is an information system of the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI) which provides information texts about the education systems of the member states prepared by the education ministries. The homepage contains texts describing this project and links to the texts about the respective countries [these have been entered in this database] and to the education [...]

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports provides on these pages information on Vocational Education and Training. A list of links comprises among others: occupational categories, admission criteria, certificates, EU programmes and contact addresses in the provinces of Spain.

Asesoria de Formacion Profesional stands for a meeting-point for teacher trainers in vocational education. This is a mixed website about transnational projects in Vocational Education Training for teachers and current activities for on-the-job training developed in Asturias.

The Spanish Association for Orientation and Psychopedagogy is a professional association of people involved in orientation and counselling in the fields of education, work, business both in governmental as well as non-governmental institutions.- A tabular overview on the homepage provides access to information on character, objective, structure and activities of the [...]

Association for Research and Educational Development in Extremadura.- This website is thought as a interdisciplinary platform to exchange educational materials as in-service training tools. Collaborations are accepted.

The databases REDINET contain information on educational research, periodicals, innovations in education and on didactical ressources produced in Spain. Via "Comunidades Autonomas" one can find regional resources.

The information provided on this website of the Higher Education Department of the Education Ministry includes information about all issues of higher education policy such as legislation, evaluation of higher education staff and other evaluation issues, congresses, research etc.

INEE, the National Institute for the Evaluation of the Education System, is a department of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science that depends on the General Secretary of Education and Vocational Training. It is located in the Spanish capital Madrid. Its main goal is to evaluate the quality of the education system. Important supplementary information will be found in [...]

The Spanish Confederation of Associations of Pupuls' Fathers and Mothers (CEAPA) units parents, whose sons and daughters are studying in public non-universitarian educational institutions. CEAPA is a state association of provincial and autonomous federations and confederations acting on behalf of parents. This homepage provides information on: objectives, government organs, [...]

The National Catholic Association of Family Heads and Pupils' Parents was founded in 1929 to protect family interests and to make sure that their children in school receive an education according to their beliefs and convictions. The confederation promotes the unity and co-operation of family and school. At present it counts 51 provincial federations integrating a great [...]

The Revista Española de Pedagogía publishes three issues a year, which constitute a volume of about 600 pages. This website provides a table of contents and abstracts of the various contributions. Articles of previous years can also be found.

Caribbean; Latin America; Spain; Portugal
OEI is an international organization of the Ibero-American countries which promotes the co-operation in the fields of education, science and culture and has a "governmental" character. Its aim is to advance an integrated development of the region in these matters. The website offers (see "que es la OEI?") information about the organizational structure, implemented activities [...]

Caribbean; Latin America; Spain; Portugal
The institution is the information and documentation centre of OEI (see there), responsible for educational documentation in the Ibero-American countries. The website provides access to all information services: searching in the CREDI databases, selective dissemination of information, catalogue of new acquisitions of journals and monographs in the CREDI library, indexes of [...]

Latin America; Spain
Link list in alphabetical order of the countries.

The website of the Spanish Society of Comparative Education provides information about the Society, the publications of its members and other relevant publications concerning comparative education, indexes of the SEEC journals, actualities and interesting issues for comparatists. A link list of national and international research and documentation centres, international [...]

This website provides a searchable database and link list through which all educational institutions in Spain can be found. The homepage shows four groupings: higher education, postgraduate studies, "Colegios" (i.e. pre-school and school), vocational education. Additionally, there are various services and information about special areas e.g. e-learning

The INEM network server includes background information (Framework, Adress and telephone numbers), services offered to the citizen (Employment, Unemployment benefit, Vocational training, Workshops and Handicraft Centres), statistics (monthly advance of unemployment, rate recorded, Employment arrangements, recorded contracts, training courses), specific legislation and further [...]

The homepage of the University Library of Gerona provides access to its catalogues and to those of other Catalonian libraries and their catalogues, e.g. of all Catalonian university libraries and other resources for students and researchers.

Shis URL gives acces to a searchable database which collects and organizes relevant information on all areas of the curriculum, along with other materials and information of use in carrying out educational activities generally. It aims to be the documentary database at the service of ALL teachers in the Catalan education system.

Belgium; Bulgaria; Cyprus, Republic of; Czechia; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Switzerland; Greece; Hungary; Ireland; Iceland; Italy; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxemburg; Malta; Netherlands; Norway; Croatia; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Turkey; Europe; Austria
Eurydice (formerly Eurypedia and Eurybase) is a network of national units based in all countries of the Erasmus+ programme. [Its] task is to explain how education systems are organised in Europe and how they work. Eurydice publishes descriptions of national education systems, comparative reports devoted to specific topics, indicators and statistics, as well as news and [...]

The Spanish Confederation of Teaching Centres was founded in 1977 and is an association which represents the major part of private education in Spain. This website provides information on educational opportunities offered by more than 5.000 institutions in the non-universitary sector, in particular related to issues of teaching.

This society is dedicated to the fields of educational research and pedagogics and offers on its homepage information about the S. E.P. and its activities as well as electronic publishing.

PANGEA is a service institution for communication through cooperation. It provides information in Catalan language on activities, persons and service in the educational sector.

The Interuniversitary Association for Pedagogical Research offers a wide range of information for educational research reaching from electronic publications and the provision of teaching aids up to the organisation of virtual conferences. The association is a member of the European Educational Research Association (EERA).- The user can find a great variety of links to [...]

This homepage offers an opportunity to reach more than 16.800 libraries world-wide by means of a powerful search engine. Users have to insert a keyword or part of the name of the respective library for getting access. With the entry "Spain" 20 links to Spanish libraries are provided, including pedagogical ones.

Eurydice is the "Network on education systems and policies in Europe". Amongst others, it provides very comprehensive country profiles on on education systems in Europe (formerly know as "Eurypedia"). All areas of education are covered from early childhood to adult education, as well as overarching issues. Each country participating in Eurydice hosts a national unit [...]

This website offers topic-related data from the recently published issues of the journal, in particular on evaluation, achievement and quality assurance in schools as well as analyses for decision-making and school administration.

Revista de Educación is a quarterly published journal of the Instituto Nacional de Calidad y Evaluación (INCE), which belongs to the Secretaría General de Educación y Formación Profesional of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports in Spain. On the website the recently published issues on twelve subject categories are offered dealing among others with student [...]

The centre is subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Culture. By means of its programme it inspires and supports the spreading of new technologies at non-universitary level in particular in the areas of preschool education, primary and secondary education.- On this homepage possibilities are explained which the Internet offers in view of interpersonal and [...]

This list of links offers access to the public archives and libraries in the ten autonomous regions of Spain.

The homepage of the National Library offers information on catalogues, consultation rooms, the Spanish Focal Point, international cooperation, services, publications and resources of bibliographic interest. Besides there is reference to expositions and collections.

This database of didactical resources offers on its homepage links to child literature, youth books, teacher guides, curricular materials as well as to educational software and didactical videos.

The project MENTOR "Telematic tutorials via Internet" is a system in the framework of Open and Distance Learning initiated by the Centro Nacional de Información y Comunicación Educativa (CNICE) of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. It is a specific form of teaching and learning by applying new technologies, in particular the Internet. The telematic tutor is a [...]

The homepage of the National University of Distance Education ( UNED) offers among other things information on the organization and structure as well as on the aims and activities of this educational institution. The user can find links to about 40 associated centres of this Open University in Spain. The UNED also operates a net of external centres in different parts of the [...]

The group of autonomous government institutions of the Valencian Community constitutes the Valencian Generalitat. Since 1991, the Valencian Generalitat has made significant investments in communications and interconnection of equipment, with a clear goal: modernisation of the administration (distance administration) and reduction of the time and paperwork involved in [...]

This clearly structured homepage of the Council for Education in Andalusia provides an overview on the structure and function of the Consejería and on its branches in various cities and on central services in the province. There is also a link to the School Council of Andalusia.

The Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes offers profound information on the "new" education system in Spain (LOGSE) and on educational reforms on the Canary Islands. A comprehensive list of links includes teaching aids and other assistance. Particular attention should be paid to the collection of links regarding educational law and legislation.

The National University of Distance Education (UNED) was established in 1972. Its central administration is located in Madrid. UNED maintains 117 study centres in Spain, 5 in cities of other European countries (Bonn, Brussels, Geneva, London, Paris) and 4 in Latin America. Study courses offered also include sciences of education.

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports in Spain is responsible for all areas and levels of education in the country. There is an organizational chart of the Ministry on the website. According to the different responsibilities of this governmental institution links to educational institutions in the field of vocational training and adult education are available as well [...]

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